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Job Opening - Menlo Park


Marketing Programs Manager

This person will develop and manage a range of marketing programs designed to encourage trial and adoption of Be software and products. These programs include trial packages, web distribution, comarketing bundles, OEM co-marketing and similar programs. The goal is the proliferation of the BeOS, and building awareness for software solutions in conjunction with independent software developers' products

A candidate should have a B.A. and at least three years experience in software marketing related fields. Proven experience in managing programs involving external partners is a requirement, as well as a demonstrated record of independent initiative. Demonstrated marketing programs experience is required, as well as proven presentation and negotiating skills.


  • B.A.
  • Minimum three years marketing programs experience
  • Software and computer industry experience required

To Apply

Electronic Mail:
E-mail an ASCII copy of your cover letter, resume, your e-mail and postal addresses, and both day and evening phone numbers in the body of an e-mail to jobs@be.com (attached documents will not be considered). Put the title of the position you're applying for in the Subject line of your message.

or Post:
Mail a copy of your cover letter and resume to:
Jobs At Be, Inc.
800 El Camino Real
Suite 300
Menlo Park, CA 94025

or Fax:
Fax a copy of your cover letter and resume, with the title of the position you're applying for on the fax cover sheet,
to: (415) 462-4129.

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