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Media Alert: Be To Demonstrate New Products & Technology at Macworld


For more information and to RSVP contact

Valerie Peyre



MENLO PARK, Calif (July 28, 1997) -- Be, Inc. will be holding four events in Boston during the week of August 4-8 at which members of the media are invited to attend. The events, talking place concurrent with the Macworld Boston Exposition, will showcase the recently released BeOS Preview Release, new third party applications -- and new BeOS software technology which will be demonstrated in public for the first time.

Members of the press are invited to attend the general sessions of the Be Developer Conference, taking place on Monday and Tuesday, August 4 and 5. In addition, Be extends an invitation to attend the BeOS Launch Celebration on Tuesday evening at the Boston Computer Museum.

Following are details on the events. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Valerie Peyre at valerie@be.com (408-462-4132).



Monday August 4, 1997
10 am - 12 noon
Hynes Convention Center
900 Boylston St.

At this session, Be will be demonstrating new BeOS technology for the first time in public, in addition to highlighting the BeOS Preview Release and new third party applications. The session will feature speeches by Jean-Louis Gassée, president and CEO of Be, Inc., and chief technology officer Erich Ringewald. Press attendees at this session are welcome to stay for complimentary lunch with Be developers in attendance at the conference.



Tuesday August 5, 1997
10 am - 11:30 am
Hynes Convention Center
900 Boylston St.

This session opens the second day of the conference and will feature demonstrations of new third party products written for the BeOS. The session will feature discussions with a number of Be technologists, as well as with lead developers. Press attendees at this session are welcome to stay for complimentary lunch with Be developers in attendance at the conference.



Tuesday, August 5, 1997
7 pm - 10 pm
Boston Computer Museum
300 Congress Street

Developers, Be staff, and members of the Be community are gathering to celebrate this month's launch of the BeOS Preview Release, the first public release of the BeOS. In addition, the BeOS Masters Award winners will be named (and demonstrated around the museum) and the original BeBox will find it's place in the museum's collection. Space is limited - please RSVP if you plan to attend this event.

Directions can be found at http://www.tcm.org/info/visiting/directions.html



Wednesday, August 6, 1997 10 am - 6 pm
Thursday, August 7, 1997 10 am - 6 pm
Friday, August 8, 1997 10 am - 4 pm
Boston World Trade Center
Northern Avenue, Boston

Be will be showing the latest BeOS release, third party applications, and new technology at it's booth at the World Trade Center (#5119) In a previous press release, Be announced that attendees of Macworld Expo will be able to take home a copy of the BeOS Preview Release freeof charge.

Directions can be found at http://www.wtcb.com/location/home.html


About Be
Be, Inc., founded in 1990 by Jean-Louis Gassée, is a software company focusing on building new foundations for the next generation of digital content and media design tools. With a team of industry-leading engineers and business executives in the United States and Europe, the company is dedicated to removing the limitations of existing computer architectures and delivering a new level of price performance. In 1997, Be is publishing the first public releases of the Be Operating System (BeOS ), the core product of this strategy. Additional information on Be and the BeOS is available online at http://www.be.com. Be, Inc. is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

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