(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
These notes describe changes that have been made to the Be Operating System (BeOS) for
Developer Release 8. Major additions and improvements are listed first, followed by a kit-
by-kit list of changes to the API (application programming interface).
The API and the software kits are also documented in a new edition of
The Be Book. The new Be User's Guide contains information about using the BeBox(TM) and developing
applications for it.
For more information about Developer Release 8, check the Be Web site, We'll put updated information in the developer area on the site.
This release of the Be Operating System sees two new kits and a handful of architectural
The eagerly awaited 3D Kit is here. You get headers files, source code examples, a demo
application, white papers on our Web site. What you don't get, for now, is entertaining
technical documentation. But keep listening; we'll publish the documentation on the Web
site (by updating the site's version of The Be Book) as soon as we can, possibly before you
receive these Release Notes.
For pointers to the source code examples and the existing Web site white paper, see "The
3D Kit" chapter of The Be Book.
This release introduces the Game Kit, a collection of software designed especially for
game applications. The collection is on the small side right now, in that it consists of just
one class, BWindowScreen, but it will grow in future releases. A BWindowScreen object
bypasses the Application Server to provide direct access to the screen--that is, direct
access to the graphics card driver for the screen. It lets an application take over the entire
screen within a workspace, set up a game-specific graphics environment, call driver-
implemented drawing functions, configure the frame buffer and color palette, and scroll
the display area that's shown on-screen within the larger area defined by the frame buffer.
A BWindowScreen object is now the only way you can get direct access to the screen.
The Interface Kit's lock_screen() and unlock_screen()
functions have been removed and get_screen_info() no longer provides a pointer to the frame buffer. You can get the
pointer through the more protected and workspace-friendly BWindowScreen class.
The library has been incorporated into
. An important corollary to this change is that every application (or program) should now create a BApplication object as
(practically) its first act.
Printing arrives with this release in the form of the Print Server and the new BPrintJob
class in the Interface Kit. See "The Interface Kit" chapter in The Be Book
for details. (An API for printer drivers will be added in the next release.)
The run-time class information system, which relied on the BClassInfo class, has been
replaced by a real run-time type information system that's integrated into the C++
language. The old macros still work as does the inherited keyword.
A handful of changes have been made to the messaging mechanism defined in the
Application and Interface Kits:
- There's now a way to define filtering functions that can look at received BMessage
objects before the messages are dispatched to their designated targets. Each
Filter() function is contained in a BMessageFilter object that also defines the set of
messages the function can filter. Messages can be filtered based on their command
constants, how they're delivered, and whether they have a remote or local source.
BMessageFilters can be attached to any BHandler to filter messages targeted to that
object and to a BLooper to filter all messages the BLooper dispatches. See the
BMessageFilter class in "The Application Kit" chapter of The Be Book for details.
This new API replaces the four filtering functions defined in the BWindow class of
the Interface Kit (FilterMouseDown(), FilterKeyDown()
, FilterMouseMoved(), and FilterMessageDropped()
). To help in the transition to the new system, the BWindow functions will still work for this release
--but they won't in the future. They'll be removed from the Window.h header file for the next release.
- In previous releases, messages that the user dragged and dropped on a window were
announced by a
B_MESSAGE_DROPPED system message that wrapped around the dropped message. The wrapper message is now history. Beginning with this
release, dropped messages are dispatched just like messages that are delivered programmatically (by being posted or sent). Instead of implementing a special
MessageDropped() function to receive and respond to dropped messages, you can
include them in your implementation of MessageReceived().
The old system distinguished dropped messages from messages received in other
ways because being the destination of a drag-and-drop operation can involve obvious graphical obligations. This hasn't changed. However, now you can ask a
BMessage object how it was delivered. The BMessage class has two new functions--
WasDropped() and
DropPoint()--that provide the same information you
got from the old MessageDropped() function, but now you get it from the dropped
message itself.
- Previously, the dispatching machinery deferred to system messages. If you posted a
message that matched a system message and named a target BHandler for it, the dispatcher would ignore the target you named and dispatch it like any other system
message. For example, if you posted a B_KEY_DOWN message and named a BView target that wasn't the focus view, the focus view would get the message anyway.
Now, however, dispatching defers to the target you name (or the target view where
the user drops the message). The dispatcher always calls a function of the target
BHandler. The introduction to "The Application Kit" chapter in The Be Book
discusses the new system in more detail.
- BHandler objects can now be chained together in a linked list. The BHandler class
defines new SetNextHandler()
and NextHandler()
functions and its implementation of MessageReceived() passes an unrecognized message to the next handler. To get
this behavior, derived classes should be sure to call the inherited version of
. (By default, the next handler for a BView object is its parent view--
or, if it's at the top of the view hierarchy, the BWindow object.)
- A DispatchMessage() function you define no longer has to lock the BLooper; the
object is locked before DispatchMessage() is called.
This release introduces a new system of keyboard navigation. Users can press the Tab key
to move the focus of keyboard actions from view to view, and can operate the view
currently in focus by pressing other keys (typically the space bar and arrow keys).
The Interface Kit takes care of the mechanics of between-view navigation. The classes
you derive from BView must implement the hook functions that respond to keyboard
actions (KeyDown()
) and changes to the focus view (MakeFocus()). See "Keyboard Navigation" in The Be Book overview to the BView class for details.
Keyboard navigation introduces a new BView flag, B_NAVIGABLE
. When set, it's possible for the user to navigate to the view; when not set (for example, when the view is disabled),
navigation will bypass the view.
The Interface Kit makes the BListView class, the new BMenuField class, and all classes
derived from BControl navigable. The BTextControl class relinquishes its private
navigation system so that it can participate in the more general mechanism.
You can now set a BView's graphics parameters at any time--for example, when
constructing the object. Previously, you had to wait until the object was attached to a
window. It's still the case that the parameters become alive only when the BView is
placed in a window. That's when the Application Server becomes aware of the view and
establishes its graphics environment. Now, however, a BView caches the value that's set
before it belongs to a window and delivers it to the Server when it becomes attached.
This section lists the API changes, small and large, that have been made to previously
released software kits.
Most of the changes to the Application Kit affect the system of sending and receiving
messages, which was discussed above. In addition:
- The arguments passed to BClipboard's FindData() function have been juggled to match the order of arguments passed to the identically named BMessage function.
It's now type, index, numBytes, instead of type,
numBytes, index. The index is still optional.
- In addition to WasDropped() and DropPoint() mentioned above, the BMessage class has added a
IsSourceRemote() function. For compatibility,
IsSenderWaiting() is now called IsSourceWaiting().
- The BMessenger class has new IsValid() and Team()
- The BMessageQueue class no longer has the version of RemoveMessage() that would remove a class of messages. You must now remove them one at a time
- BLooper's CheckLock() function is now called
Not much new in the Storage Kit--as we all should know by now, the file system part of
the Kit (at least) is headed for fairly extensive surgery come DR9. So it's resting until
The one API addition to the Kit is in the BFile class. The class now boasts a
copy_status_hook() function protocol. This protocol is intended to typify a "copy status"
function that you can (optionally) pass as an argument to the CopyTo() function. Thus primed, the CopyTo() function calls back to your "copy status" function as it is copying
your file. Through these call backs you can implement (for example) a GUI copy status
"fuel gauge." See the BFile class for details.
The 2 Gigabyte volume limit bug has been fixed. There is no (practical) limit on the disk
capacity as supported by the file system.
The Interface Kit has three new classes: BPrintJob, BColorControl, and BMenuField. A
BPrintJob object manages an application's interaction with the Print Server. The
application creates the object when the user asks to print something and deletes it when the
print job is finished. A BColorControl object lets the user pick a color, and a BMenuField
controls a labeled pop-up menu. All three classes are documented in the "The Interface
Kit" chapter of The Be Book.
Here are the other changes to the Kit API:
- The BView class has an IsPrinting() function that reports whether or not the drawing a BView is engaged in is destined for the printer.
- The BView class has added an AllAttached() hook function to go with AttachedToWindow(). The new function is called after all BViews being added to a
window have received the AttachedToWindow() notification. There are also two similar hook functions
--DetachedFromWindow() and AllDetached()--that are called when a BView is removed from a window.
- Two classes, BBox and BStringView, have lost their AttachedToWindow()
functions. Their constructors now set up default values for graphic parameters.
- Several kinds of objects now set up their background colors to match the
background colors of their parent views. Two classes, BCheckBox and BRadioButton, have added
functions for this purpose.
- A BView now knows whether it's the target of a scroll bar. Its
function returns the BScrollBar objects that scroll the view.
- In conjunction with the changes described under "Messaging" above, all
MessageDropped() functions have been dropped from the API.
FilterMessageDropped() is still called, but will be dropped in the future. Switch to
BMessageFilter objects.
- The Interface Kit has supporting API (set_menu_info()) for the new preference application for menus. Because one of the preferences is the font that's used to
display menu items and another is the font size, menu bars can no longer be set to a
fixed sized. Therefore, the B_MENU_BAR_HEIGHT constant is no more. The
BMenuBar class can automatically adjust the size of the menu bar so that it fits the
size of the items it displays, given the user's preferences. Applications will have to
dynamically adjust the size of other views so that they fit the BMenuBar.
- BMenu's Track()
function and BPopUpMenu's Go() have new arguments to support the click-to-open preference and keyboard navigation.
- There's a new preference application and supporting API for the rate and initial
delay of repeating keys (see the global functions set_key_repeat_rate() and set_key_repeat_delay()).
- 1,152-pixel 900-pixel screen resolutions are now supported. For example,
is now a screen space that get_screen_info() might report.
- The BWindow and BView classes have new versions of their
Convert...() functions. The new functions are passed BPoint and BRect objects by value and return objects
with the converted coordinates. The old versions, which still are in the API, are
passed pointers to BPoint and BRect objects, which they convert in place.
- BView's DrawBitmap() function has always worked synchronously; it doesn't return
until the bitmap image is drawn. There's now a new function, DrawBitmapAsync(), that doesn't wait for the Application Server to finish drawing the bitmap; it returns
- The BControl class has new KeyDown() and MakeFocus() functions for keyboard navigation. BListView has a new
function for the same reason. BListView, and BMenuField, and all BControl classes define navigable views.The
BTextControl participates in the new keyboard navigation system, and so has
- BMenuItems that bring up submenus can now also post a message when the
submenu comes on-screen.
- The BTextControl object has undergone a number of modifications to make it
compatible with the new keyboard navigation system. It has lost its private navigation system and its
GoToNext() and GoToPrevious() functions.
- BTextControl also now lets you set a "modification message" that's sent when the
user first enters or edits text in the field. See the SetModificationMessage() function in the class description.
- Some classes have added new functions to set and return parameters previously set
only in the constructor. For example, BMenuBar has a Border() function, BMenuItem has SetShortcut(), BScrollView has SetBordered() and Bordered(), and BPictureButton has a set of function to return the object's pictures.
- The BView resizing flag B_FOLLOW_ALL has been renamed B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES to
make it clear that only the sides of the parent view are followed. The old constant is
still in the header file, but will be dropped for the next release.
- BTextViews respond to B_SIMPLE_DATA messages with "text" or "char" entries. See the "Message Protocols" appendix to The Be Book.
The Media and Midi Kits didn't change much in DR8; look for changes in DR9, when the
BStream and BStreamController API will be overhauled and (finally) presented in a
usable form. However, both Kits (and the servers and drivers that support them) have had
some internal tinkering to enhance stability. In particular, the Audio Server is much less
fragile in DR8.
The one change that deserves mention is a change in attitude as opposed to API or
implementation: The clique mechanism in the Media Kit's BSubscriber class should be,
in essence, ignored. Always use the B_SHARED_SUBSCRIBER_ID constant as the clique value when you subscribe to a media stream. The clique was intended to let a subscriber
control access to the stream; it's not a bad idea, it's just in the wrong place. Look for the
clique mechanism (or similar machinery) to resurface in (possibly) the BStream class in
In addition to the API changes, listed below, you should be aware that the library has been subsumed by, as mentioned above. A consequence of this incorporation
is that every application must now create a BApplication object.
- The semaphore functions acquire_sem_count() and acquire_sem_timeout()
were replaced by the more general acquire_sem_etc(). Similarly,
release_sem_count() was replaced by release_sem_etc()
- The "etc" business seemed like such a good idea, that it was extended to ports as
well: Look for new read_port_etc()
, write_port_etc()
, and port_buffer_size_etc() functions. The new functions let you set an optional timeout value for operations
that could otherwise block forever. No existing functions were harmed in the addition of these new functions.
- To support the new "etc" functions (each of which takes a final bit-field flag
argument), a set of four flag values have been added to <kernel/OS.h>
--the flags used to belong to the Device Kit. Of the four flags, two (B_CAN_INTERRUPT and
) are intended for device driver writers and can be ignored by all others. The two cogent flags (
) are used by the Kernel Kit's "etc" functions, although they don't both apply equally to all of
these functions: The timeout flag is used by the blocking functions (acquire_sem_etc() and the port functions), while the don't-reschedule flag is
usedby release_sem_etc()
- The size and count fields in the area_info structure (ram_size, copy_count
, in_count, out_count) are now unsigned long
s (they used to be signed). Concomittantly, the size arguments to the
and resize_area()
functions are also unsigned longs.
- A new single-field structure, machine_id, has been added to the Kit. It encodes the local machine's ID number as two
longs. Also, new constants have been created that represent the various PPC chips that a BeBox either runs on now, or may run on
in the future. Look for the B_CPU_PPC... constants in <kernel/OS.h>
- The system_info
structure has been expanded to include a machine_id structure field called id, a CPU constant field (
cpu_type), and a CPU version field (cpu_revision
- You can now load the same add-on more than once. The load_add_on() function (if
successful) returns a new image_id number upon every invocation, even if you're
loading the same add-on multiple times. (In DR7, you could only load a particular
add-on once.)
The Device Kit now has a BJoystick class corresponding to the joystick ports and three
classes--BA2D (analog to digital), BD2A (digital to analog), and BDigitalPort--corresponding to the GeekPort(TM) .
The Be Book has full documentation. In addition, these changes have been made to the BSerialPort class:
Only a couple of changes have been made to the API for kernel-loadable drivers:
- The kernel exports a new ram_address() function to drivers. It still exports a set of semaphore functions, but those functions have been made more generally available
and are now documented as part of the Kernel Kit.
- There's a new uninit_driver() entry point for kernel-loadable drivers. If the driver
implements this function, the kernel calls it just before unloading the driver.
The API for graphics card drivers has undergone more extensive changes:
- There are a number of new defined operations to support the Game Kit. Four of the
new op codes for graphics card drivers correspond to functions defined in the
BWindowScreen class of the Game Kit, and another set of four enables the cloning
of the graphics card driver so that a BWindowScreen object can have its own copy.
See "Developing a Driver for a Graphics Card" in "The Device Kit" chapter of
The Be Book for details.
- Some arguments in the graphics_card_info structure has been moved around. They now match the order in the new
structure, which supports the Game Kit.
- A new flag B_FRAME_BUFFER_CONTROL lets a driver report whether it supports custom configurations of the frame buffer.
- There's a new hook function (at index 11) for inverting a rectangle
Due to popular demand, we broke down and actually documented the Network Kit. This
is, in itself, a notable change. But, in addition and at no extra cost, you'll find a whole new
topic in the Kit: Mail. The <net/E-mail.h> header file contains mail daemon functions,
and a mail message class called BMailMessage.
In the socket world, the Be implementations of the socket.h
and the netdb.h functions continue on the road to BSD completeness.
Get rid of your B_DECLARE_CLASS_INFO() and
B_DEFINE_CLASS_INFO() macro calls. The old class information system has been replaced by an actual real-time info mechanism.
Note that the function-like macros (is_kind_of(), is_instance_of(), class_name(), and cast_as()) are still valid.
BLocker's CheckLock() function has been renamed to
The Be Book, HTML Edition, for Developer Release 8 of the Be OS.
Copyright © 1996 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Be, the Be logo, BeBox, BeOS, BeWare, and GeekPort are
trademarks of Be, Inc.
Last modified September 12, 1996.