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The Interface Kit: Master Index

!= BFont
!= BPoint
!= BRect
+ BPoint
+= BPoint
- BPoint
-= BPoint
= BFont
= BPoint
= BPolygon
= BRect
= BRegion
== BFont
== BPoint
== BRect


AcceptsDrop() BTextView
AcceptsPaste() BTextView
Activate() BWindow
activate_workspace() Global Functions
AddChild() BBitmap
AddChild() BView
AddChild() BWindow
AddFloater() BWindow
AddItem() BListView
AddItem() BMenu
AddLine() BView
AddList() BListView
AddPoints() BPolygon
AddSeparatorItem() BMenu
AddShortcut() BWindow
alert_type Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
alert_type Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
alignment Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
alignment Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Alignment() BMenuField
Alignment() BStringView
Alignment() BTextView
AllAttached() BMenuField
AllAttached() BView
AllDetached() BView
AllowChar() BTextView
& BRect
and BPoint
Application Server Windows
Archive() BAlert
Archive() BBitmap
Archive() BBox
Archive() BButton
Archive() BCheckBox
Archive() BColorControl
Archive() BControl
Archive() BListView
Archive() BMenu
Archive() BMenuBar
Archive() BMenuField
Archive() BMenuItem
Archive() BPicture
Archive() BPictureButton
Archive() BRadioButton
Archive() BScrollBar
Archive() BScrollView
Archive() BStringView
Archive() BTextControl
Archive() BTextView
Archive() BView
Archive() BWindow
AreTriggersEnabled() BMenu
ASCII Compatibility Responding to the User
assignment) BPoint
AttachedToWindow() BBox
AttachedToWindow() BButton
AttachedToWindow() BCheckBox
AttachedToWindow() BColorControl
AttachedToWindow() BControl
AttachedToWindow() BListView
AttachedToWindow() BMenu
AttachedToWindow() BMenuBar
AttachedToWindow() BMenuField
AttachedToWindow() BRadioButton
AttachedToWindow() BScrollBar
AttachedToWindow() BScrollView
AttachedToWindow() BStringView
AttachedToWindow() BTextControl
AttachedToWindow() BTextView
AttachedToWindow() BView
Attaching to a Window Drawing


BAlert() BAlert
~BBitmap() BBitmap
BBitmap() BBitmap
~BBox() BBox
BBox() BBox
~BButton() BButton
BButton() BButton
BCheckBox() BCheckBox
~BColorControl() BColorControl
BColorControl() BColorControl
~BControl() BControl
BControl() BControl
BeginLineArray() BView
BeginPicture() BView
BeginRectTracking() BView
Behavior() BPictureButton
be_bold_font Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
be_fixed_font Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
be_plain_font Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
BFont() BFont
Bitmap Data BBitmap
Bitmaps and Patterns Drawing
Bits() BBitmap
BitsLength() BBitmap
Blending Modes Drawing
BListView() BListView
~BListView() BListView
~BMenu() BMenu
BMenu() BMenu
BMenuBar() BMenuBar
~BMenuBar() BMenuBar
BMenuField() BMenuField
~BMenuField() BMenuField
BMenuItem() BMenuItem
~BMenuItem() BMenuItem
Border() BBox
Border() BMenuBar
Border() BScrollView
border_style Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
The Bounds Rectangle BBitmap
Bounds() BBitmap
Bounds() BView
Bounds() BWindow
~BPicture() BPicture
BPicture() BPicture
BPictureButton() BPictureButton
~BPictureButton() BPictureButton
BPoint() BPoint
~BPolygon() BPolygon
BPolygon() BPolygon
~BPopUpMenu() BPopUpMenu
BPopUpMenu() BPopUpMenu
~BRadioButton() BRadioButton
BRadioButton() BRadioButton
BRect() BRect
~BRegion BRegion
BRegion() BRegion
BScrollBar() BScrollBar
~BScrollBar() BScrollBar
BScrollView() BScrollView
~BScrollView() BScrollView
~BSeparatorItem() BSeparatorItem
BSeparatorItem() BSeparatorItem
~BStringView() BStringView
BStringView() BStringView
BTextControl() BTextControl
~BTextControl() BTextControl
BTextView() BTextView
~BTextView() BTextView
ButtonAt() BAlert
button_width Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
button_width Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
BView Objects
~BView() BView
BView() BView
BWindow Objects
BWindow() BWindow
~BWindow() BWindow
ByteAt() BTextView
BytesPerRow() BBitmap
B_16_BIT_1024x768 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_16_BIT_1152x900 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_16_BIT_1280x1024 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_16_BIT_1600x1200 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_16_BIT_640x480 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_16_BIT_800x600 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_32_BIT_1024x768 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_32_BIT_1152x900 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_32_BIT_1280x1024 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_32_BIT_1600x1200 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_32_BIT_640x480 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_32_BIT_800x600 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_1024x768 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_1152x900 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_1280x1024 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_1600x1200 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_640x400 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_640x480 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_8_BIT_800x600 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ALIGN_CENTER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ALIGN_LEFT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ALIGN_RIGHT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ALL_WORKSPACES Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_APP_CACHE_SETTING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BACKSPACE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BIG_RGB_16_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BIG_RGB_32_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BITMAP_SPACING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BORDERED_WINDOW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BORDER_CONTENTS Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BORDER_EACH_ITEM Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_BORDER_FRAME Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CAPS_LOCK Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CAPS_SHIFT_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CAPS_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CHAR_SPACING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_COLOR_8_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_COMMAND_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CONTROL_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CONTROL_OFF Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CONTROL_ON Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CONTROL_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_DEFAULT_CACHE_SETTING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_DELETE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_DISABLE_ANTIALIASING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_DOWN_ARROW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_EMPTY_ALERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_END Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ENTER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ENTERED_VIEW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ESCAPE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_EXITED_VIEW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F10_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F11_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F12_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F1_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F2_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F3_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F4_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F5_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F6_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F7_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F8_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_F9_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FANCY_BORDER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FIXED_SPACING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_ALL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_H_CENTER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_LEFT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_NONE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_RIGHT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_TOP Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FOLLOW_V_CENTER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_ALL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_ENCODING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_FACE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_FAMILY_NAME_LENGTH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_FLAGS Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_ROTATION Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_SHEAR Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_SIZE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_SPACING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FONT_STYLE_NAME_LENGTH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FRAME_EVENTS Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_FUNCTION_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_GRAYSCALE_8_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_HAS_TUNED_FONT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_HOME Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_HORIZONTAL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_IDEA_ALERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_INFO_ALERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_INSERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_INSIDE_VIEW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_1 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_10 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_2 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_3 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_4 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_5 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_6 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_7 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_8 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ISO_8859_9 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_IS_FIXED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ITEMS_IN_ROW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_KEY_DOWN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_KEY_UP Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LEFT_ARROW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LEFT_COMMAND_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LEFT_CONTROL_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LEFT_OPTION_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LEFT_SHIFT_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MACINTOSH_ROMAN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MENU_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MINIMIZE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MIXED_COLORS Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MODAL_WINDOW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MONOCHROME_1_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MOUSE_DOWN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MOUSE_MOVED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MOUSE_UP Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MULTIPLE_SELECTION_LIST Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NAVIGABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NORMAL_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_CLOSABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_H_RESIZABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_MOVABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_RESIZABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_V_RESIZABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NOT_ZOOMABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NO_BORDER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NO_COLOR_SPACE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NUM_LOCK Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OPTION_CAPS_SHIFT_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OPTION_CAPS_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OPTION_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OPTION_SHIFT_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OPTION_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_ADD Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_BLEND Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_COPY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_ERASE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_INVERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_MAX Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_MIN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_OVER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_SELECT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_OP_SUBTRACT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PAGE_DOWN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PAGE_UP Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PAUSE_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PLAIN_BORDER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PRINTING_FONT_CACHE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PRINT_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PULSE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PULSE_NEEDED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_QUIT_REQUESTED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RETURN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RGB_16_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RGB_32_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RIGHT_ARROW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RIGHT_COMMAND_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RIGHT_CONTROL_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RIGHT_SHIFT_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SCREEN_CHANGED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SCREEN_FONT_CACHE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SCROLL_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SCROLL_LOCK Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SHIFT_KEY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SHIFT_TABLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SOLID_HIGH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SOLID_LOW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SPACE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_STOP_ALERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_STRING_SPACING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TAB Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TITLED_WINDOW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TRANSPARENT_8_BIT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TRUNCATE_BEGINNING Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TRUNCATE_END Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_TRUNCATE_SMART Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UNICODE_UTF8 Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UP_ARROW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_CLOSE_QUOTE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_COPYRIGHT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_HIROSHI Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_OPEN_QUOTE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_REGISTERED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_SMILING_FACE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_UTF8_TRADEMARK Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_VALUE_CHANGED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_VERTICAL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_VIEW_MOVED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_VIEW_RESIZED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WARNING_ALERT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WIDTH_FROM_LABEL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WIDTH_FROM_WIDEST Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WILL_DRAW Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WILL_FLOAT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WINDOW_ACTIVATED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WINDOW_MOVED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WINDOW_RESIZED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WORKSPACES_CHANGED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ZOOM Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


CanEndLine() BTextView
CellSize() BColorControl
Character Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Character Encoding Responding to the User
Character Maps Global Functions
Character Tables for Dead Keys Global Functions
~CheckBox() BCheckBox
ChildAt() BBitmap
ChildAt() BView
ChildAt() BWindow
The Clipping Region Drawing
Close() BWindow
The Color Space BBitmap
Color Spaces Drawing
Colors Drawing
ColorSpace() BBitmap
ColorSpace() BTextView
color_map Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
color_space Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
color_space Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ConstrainClippingRegion() BView
ConstrainTo() BPoint
Constructor BAlert
Constructor BFont
Constructor BPoint
Constructor BRect
Constructor and Destructor BBitmap
Constructor and Destructor BBox
Constructor and Destructor BButton
Constructor and Destructor BCheckBox
Constructor and Destructor BColorControl
Constructor and Destructor BControl
Constructor and Destructor BListView
Constructor and Destructor BMenu
Constructor and Destructor BMenuBar
Constructor and Destructor BMenuField
Constructor and Destructor BMenuItem
Constructor and Destructor BPicture
Constructor and Destructor BPictureButton
Constructor and Destructor BPolygon
Constructor and Destructor BPopUpMenu
Constructor and Destructor BRadioButton
Constructor and Destructor BRegion
Constructor and Destructor BScrollBar
Constructor and Destructor BScrollView
Constructor and Destructor BSeparatorItem
Constructor and Destructor BStringView
Constructor and Destructor BTextControl
Constructor and Destructor BTextView
Constructor and Destructor BView
Constructor and Destructor BWindow
Contains() BRect
Contains() BRegion
ContentLocation() BMenuItem
Control Values Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ConvertFromParent() BView
ConvertFromScreen() BView
ConvertFromScreen() BWindow
ConvertToParent() BView
ConvertToScreen() BView
ConvertToScreen() BWindow
Coordination BScrollBar
Copy Mode Drawing
Copy() BTextView
CopyBits() BView
CountChildren() BBitmap
CountChildren() BView
CountChildren() BWindow
CountItems() BListView
CountItems() BMenu
CountLines() BTextView
CountPoints() BPolygon
CountRects() BRegion
CountTuned() BFont
count_font_families() Global Functions
count_font_styles() Global Functions
count_workspaces() Global Functions
CurrentFocus() BWindow
CurrentLine() BTextView
CurrentSelection() BListView
current_workspace() Global Functions
Cursor Transit Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Cut() BTextView


Data Members BPoint
Data Members BRect
Data() BPicture
DataSize() BPicture
Dead Keys Global Functions
Dead-Key Mapping Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
DefaultButton() BWindow
Defined Types Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Delete() BTextView
DeleteText() BTextView
Derived Classes BView
Deselect() BListView
DeselectAll() BListView
DeselectExcept() BListView
DetachedFromWindow() BTextView
DetachedFromWindow() BView
Direction() BFont
Disabled Items BMenuItem
DisabledOff() BPictureButton
DisabledOn BPictureButton
DisableUpdates() BWindow
DisallowChar() BTextView
Dispatching Responding to the User
DispatchMessage() BWindow
Divider() BMenuField
Divider() BTextControl
DoesAutoindent() BTextView
DoesWordWrap() BTextView
DoForEach() BListView
Drag and Drop Responding to the User
DragMessage() BView
Draw() BBox
Draw() BButton
Draw() BCheckBox
Draw() BColorControl
Draw() BListView
Draw() BMenu
Draw() BMenuBar
Draw() BMenuField
Draw() BMenuItem
Draw() BPictureButton
Draw() BRadioButton
Draw() BScrollView
Draw() BSeparatorItem
Draw() BStringView
Draw() BTextControl
Draw() BTextView
Draw() BView
DrawBitmap() BView
DrawBitmapAsync() BView
DrawChar() BView
DrawContent() BMenuItem
Drawing Actively
Drawing Agent
Drawing and Message Handling in the View Hierarchy
Drawing during an Update Drawing
Drawing Modes Drawing
Drawing Modes and Color Spaces Drawing
Drawing outside of an Update Drawing
Drawing Passively
Drawing the Focus Indicator Responding to the User
DrawingMode() BView
drawing_mode Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
drawing_mode Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
DrawPicture() BView
DrawString() BView


Edges BFont
edge_info Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
EnabledOff() BPictureButton
EnabledOn() BPictureButton
EnableUpdates() BWindow
Encoding() BFont
EndLineArray() BView
EndPicture() BView
EndRectTracking() BView
Erasing the Clipping Region Drawing
Escapements BFont
escapement_delta Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Exclude() BRegion


Face() BFont
FamilyAndStyle() BFont
FillArc() BView
FillEllipse() BView
FillPolygon() BView
FillRect() BView
FillRegion() BView
FillRoundRect() BView
FillTriangle() BView
FindItem() BMenu
FindMarked() BMenu
FindView() BBitmap
FindView() BView
FindView() BWindow
FindWord() BTextView
FirstItem() BListView
Flags() BFont
Flags() BView
FlattenRunArray() BTextView
Flush() BView
Flush() BWindow
The Focus View Responding to the User
Font Cache Flags Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Font Encodings Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Font Flags Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Font Name Lengths Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Font Properties Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Font Spacing Modes Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
font_cache_info Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
font_direction Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
font_direction Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
font_family Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
font_height Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
font_style Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Forcing an Update Drawing
Frame and Bounds Rectangles Drawing
Frame() BMenuItem
Frame() BPolygon
Frame() BRegion
Frame() BView
Frame() BWindow
FrameMoved() BView
FrameMoved() BWindow
FrameResized() BAlert
FrameResized() BBox
FrameResized() BListView
FrameResized() BTextView
FrameResized() BView
FrameResized() BWindow
Framework for the User Interface
Function Key Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


GetAlignment() BTextControl
GetClippingRegion() BView
GetContentSize() BMenuItem
GetContentSize() BSeparatorItem
GetEdges() BFont
GetEscapements() BFont
GetFamilyAndStyle() BFont
GetFont() BView
GetFontAndColor() BTextView
GetFontHeight() BView
GetHeight() BFont
GetItemMargins() BMenu
GetMouse() BView
GetPreferredSize() BButton
GetPreferredSize() BCheckBox
GetPreferredSize() BColorControl
GetPreferredSize() BRadioButton
GetPreferredSize() BTextControl
GetPreferredSize() BView
GetRange() BScrollBar
GetSelection() BTextView
GetSizeLimits() BWindow
GetSteps() BScrollBar
GetStringWidths() BFont
GetStringWidths() BView
GetSupportedSuites() BControl
GetSupportedSuites() BTextView
GetSupportedSuites() BView
GetSupportedSuites() BWindow
GetText() BTextView
GetTextRegion() BTextView
GetTruncatedStrings() BFont
GetTunedInfo() BFont
get_click_speed() Global Functions
get_font_cache_info() Global Functions
get_font_family() Global Functions
get_font_style() Global Functions
get_keyboard_id() Global Functions
get_key_info() Global Functions
get_key_map() Global Functions
get_key_repeat_delay() Global Functions
get_key_repeat_rate() Global Functions
get_menu_info() Global Functions
get_mouse_map() Global Functions
get_mouse_speed() Global Functions
get_mouse_type() Global Functions
get_scroll_bar_info() Global Functions
Global Variables Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Go() BAlert
Go() BPopUpMenu
GoToLine() BTextView
Graphics Environment Drawing
Graphics Primitives BTextView


Handling Keyboard Actions Responding to the User
HasItem() BListView
Height() BRect
Hide() BMenu
Hide() BMenuBar
Hide() BView
Hide() BWindow
HighColor() BView
Highlight() BMenuItem
Highlight() BTextView
Hook Functions BButton
Hook Functions BControl
Hook Functions BListView
Hook Functions BMenu
Hook Functions BMenuItem
Hook Functions BScrollBar
Hook Functions BTextView
Hook Functions BView
Hook Functions BWindow
Hook Functions for Interface Messages Responding to the User


idle_time() Global Functions
Include() BRegion
IndexOf() BListView
IndexOf() BMenu
InitiateDrag() BListView
Insert() BTextView
InsertText() BTextView
InsetBy() BRect
Instantiate() BAlert
Instantiate() BBitmap
Instantiate() BBox
Instantiate() BButton
Instantiate() BCheckBox
Instantiate() BColorControl
Instantiate() BControl
Instantiate() BListView
Instantiate() BMenu
Instantiate() BMenuBar
Instantiate() BMenuField
Instantiate() BMenuItem
Instantiate() BPicture
Instantiate() BPictureButton
Instantiate() BPopUpMenu
Instantiate() BRadioButton
Instantiate() BScrollBar
Instantiate() BScrollView
Instantiate() BSeparatorItem
Instantiate() BStringView
Instantiate() BTextControl
Instantiate() BTextView
Instantiate() BView
Instantiate() BWindow
IntegerHeight() BRect
IntegerWidth() BRect
The Interface Kit
Interface Messages Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Interface Messages Responding to the User
Intersects() BRect
Intersects() BRegion
IntersectWith() BRegion
Invalidate() BView
InvalidateItem() BListView
InvalidateLayout() BMenu
InvertRect() BView
InvocationCommand() BListView
InvocationMessage() BListView
Invoke() BControl
Invoke() BListView
Invoke() BMenuItem
IsActive() BWindow
IsBorderHighlighted() BScrollView
IsDefault() BButton
IsEditable() BTextView
IsEmpty() BListView
IsEnabled() BControl
IsEnabled() BMenu
IsEnabled() BMenuField
IsEnabled() BMenuItem
IsFocus() BView
IsFocusChanging() BControl
IsFront() BWindow
IsHidden() BView
IsHidden() BWindow
IsItemSelected() BListView
IsLabelFromMarked() BMenu
IsMarked() BMenuItem
IsPrinting() BView
IsRadioMode() BMenu
IsResizable() BTextView
IsSelectable() BTextView
IsSelected() BMenuItem
IsStylable() BTextView
IsValid() BBitmap
IsValid() BRect
ItemAt() BListView
ItemAt() BMenu
ItemFrame() BListView
Items() BListView


The Key Menu Bar BMenuBar
Keyboard Locks Global Functions
Keyboard Navigation Responding to the User
keyboard_navigation_color() Global Functions
KeyDown() BButton
KeyDown() BColorControl
KeyDown() BControl
KeyDown() BListView
KeyDown() BMenu
KeyDown() BMenuField
KeyDown() BPictureButton
KeyDown() BRadioButton
KeyDown() BTextView
KeyDown() BView
KeyMenuBar() BWindow
KeyUp() BView
key_info Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
key_map Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
A Kind of BMenu BMenuBar
Kinds of Items BMenuItem
Kinds of Keyboard Messages Responding to the User


Label() BBox
Label() BControl
Label() BMenuField
Label() BMenuItem
LastItem() BListView
Layout() BColorControl
Layout() BMenu
LeftBottom() BRect
LeftTop() BRect
LeftTop() BView
LineAt() BTextView
LineHeight() BTextView
LineWidth() BTextView
Lists and List Views BListView
ListType() BListView
list_view_type Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Lock() BBitmap
Locking the Window BView
LowColor() BView


Main Screen Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
MakeDefault() BButton
MakeEditable() BTextView
MakeEmpty() BListView
MakeEmpty() BRegion
MakeFocus() BControl
MakeFocus() BListView
MakeFocus() BMenuField
MakeFocus() BTextControl
MakeFocus() BTextView
MakeFocus() BView
MakeResizable() BTextView
MakeSelectable() BTextView
MapTo() BPolygon
Marked Items BMenuItem
MaxBytes() BTextView
MaxContentWidth() BMenu
The Mechanics of Drawing Drawing
Member Functions BAlert
Member Functions BBitmap
Member Functions BBox
Member Functions BButton
Member Functions BCheckBox
Member Functions BColorControl
Member Functions BControl
Member Functions BFont
Member Functions BListView
Member Functions BMenu
Member Functions BMenuBar
Member Functions BMenuField
Member Functions BMenuItem
Member Functions BPicture
Member Functions BPictureButton
Member Functions BPoint
Member Functions BPolygon
Member Functions BPopUpMenu
Member Functions BRadioButton
Member Functions BRect
Member Functions BRegion
Member Functions BScrollBar
Member Functions BScrollView
Member Functions BSeparatorItem
Member Functions BStringView
Member Functions BTextControl
Member Functions BTextView
Member Functions BView
Member Functions BWindow
Menu Hierarchy BMenu
Menu Items BMenu
Menu() BMenuField
Menu() BMenuItem
MenuBar() BMenuField
MenusBeginning() BWindow
MenusEnded() BWindow
menu_bar_border Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
menu_bar_border Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
menu_info Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
menu_layout Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
menu_layout Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Message Handler
Message Protocols Responding to the User
MessageReceived() BAlert
MessageReceived() BColorControl
MessageReceived() BControl
MessageReceived() BTextControl
MessageReceived() BTextView
MessageReceived() BView
MessageReceived() BWindow
Minimize() BWindow
Mode Definitions Drawing
ModificationMessage() BTextControl
Modifier States Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Modifiers Global Functions
modifiers() Global Functions
Mouse Buttons Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
MouseDown() BButton
MouseDown() BCheckBox
MouseDown() BColorControl
MouseDown() BListView
MouseDown() BMenuBar
MouseDown() BMenuField
MouseDown() BPictureButton
MouseDown() BRadioButton
MouseDown() BTextControl
MouseDown() BTextView
MouseDown() BView
MouseMoved() BTextView
MouseMoved() BView
MouseUp() BView
mouse_map Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
MoveBy() BView
MoveBy() BWindow
MovePenBy() BView
MovePenTo() BView
MoveTo() BView
MoveTo() BWindow


NeedsUpdate() BWindow
NextSibling() BView
Nonfractional Coordinates Drawing


OffsetAt() BTextView
OffsetBy() BRect
OffsetBy() BRegion
Offsets BTextView
OffsetTo() BRect
Operators BFont
Operators BPoint
Operators BPolygon
Operators BRect
Operators BRegion
orientation Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
orientation Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Orientation() BScrollBar
Overlapping Siblings
Overview BAlert
Overview BBitmap
Overview BBox
Overview BButton
Overview BCheckBoxMovePenBy() BView
MovePenTo() BView
MoveTo() BView
MoveTo() BWindow


NeedsUpdate() BWindow
NextSibling() BView
Nonfractional Coordinates Drawing


OffsetAt() BTextView
OffsetBy() BRect
OffsetBy() BRegion
Offsets BTextView
OffsetTo() BRect
Operators BFont
Operators BPoint
Operators BPolygon
Operators BRect
Operators BRegion
orientation Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
orientation Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Orientation() BScrollBar
Overlapping Siblings
Overview BAlert
Overview BBitmap
Overview BBox
Overview BButton
Overview BCheckBox
Overview BColorControl
Overview BControl
Overview BFont
Overview BListView
Overview BMenu
Overview BMenuBar
Overview BMenuField
Overview BMenuItem
Overview BPicture
Overview BPictureButton
Overview BPoint
Overview BPolygon
Overview BPopUpMenu
Overview BRadioButton
Overview BRect
Overview BRegion
Overview BScrollBar