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The Support Kit: Master Index

= BList


AddItem() BList
AddList() BList
AllowsTypeCode() BFlattenable
Application Kit Error Codes Error Codes
Archive() BArchivable
Archiving BArchivable
atomic_add() Functions and Macros
atomic_and() Functions and Macros
atomic_or() Functions and Macros


BArchivable() BArchivable
~BArchivable() BArchivable
BaseAddress() BScreen
~BAutolock() BAutolock
BAutolock() BAutolock
~BDataIO() BDataIO and BPositionIO
BDataIO() BDataIO and BPositionIO
beep() Functions and Macros
bigtime_t Constants and Defined Types
BList() BList
~BList() BList
~BLocker() BLocker
BLocker() BLocker
~BMallocIO() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
BMallocIO() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
BMemoryIO() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
~BMemoryIO() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
bool Constants and Defined Types
bool Constants and Defined Types
Boolean Constants Constants and Defined Types
~BPositionIO() BDataIO and BPositionIO
BPositionIO() BDataIO and BPositionIO
~BScreen() BScreen
~BStopWatch() BStopWatch
BStopWatch() BStopWatch
Buffer() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
BufferLength() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
BytesPerRow() BScreen
B_ANY_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_ASCII_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_BOOL_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_CHAR_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_COLOR_8_BIT Constants and Defined Types
B_COLOR_8_BIT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_DOUBLE_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_EMPTY_STRING Constants and Defined Types
B_EUC_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_FLOAT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_GRAYSCALE_8_BIT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
B_INT16_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_INT32_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_INT64_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_INT8_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO10_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO1_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO2_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO3_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO4_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO5_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO6_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO7_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO8_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_ISO9_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_MAC_ROMAN_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_MESSAGE_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_MESSENGER_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_MIME_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_MONOCHROME_1_BIT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_OBJECT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_OFF_T_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_OS_NAME_LENGTH Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
B_PAGE_SIZE Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
B_PATH_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_PATTERN_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_PFI Constants and Defined Types
B_PFL Constants and Defined Types
B_PFV Constants and Defined Types
B_POINTER_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_POINT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_RAW_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_RECT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_REF_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_RGB_32_BIT Constants and Defined Types
B_RGB_32_BIT_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_SIZE_T_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_SJIS_CONVERSION Constants and Defined Types
B_SSIZE_T_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_STRING_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_TIME_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_UINT16_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_UINT32_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_UINT64_TYPE Constants and Defined Types
B_UINT8_TYPE Constants and Defined Types


cast_as() Functions and Macros
Caveats BStopWatch
class_name() Functions and Macros
clear_caches() Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
ColorForIndex() BScreen
ColorMap() BScreen
ColorSpace() BScreen
Constants Constants and Defined Types
Constants Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
Constructor and Destructor BArchivable
Constructor and Destructor BAutolock
Constructor and Destructor BDataIO and BPositionIO
Constructor and Destructor BList
Constructor and Destructor BLocker
Constructor and Destructor BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
Constructor and Destructor BScreen
Constructor and Destructor BStopWatch
convert_from_utf8() Functions and Macros
convert_to_utf8() Functions and Macros
Coordinate Data Types The Coordinate Space
Coordinate Systems The Coordinate Space
CountItems() BList
CountLockRequests() BLocker
CountLocks() BLocker


debugger() Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
Deep and Shallow Archives BArchivable
Default Root Nodes File System Architecture
Defined constant Constants and Defined Types
Defined Types Constants and Defined Types
DesktopColor() BScreen
Device Kit Errors Error Codes
DoForEach() BList
Dynamic Loading BArchivable


ElapsedTime() BStopWatch
Empty String Constants and Defined Types
Encoding Conversion Constants Constants and Defined Types
entry_ref Constants and Defined Types


false Constants and Defined Types
File System Error Codes Error Codes
File System Handlers File System Architecture
File System Layout and the Root File System File System Architecture
Filling and Stroking Polygons The Coordinate Space
Filling and Stroking Rectangles The Coordinate Space
find_instantiation_func() Functions and Macros
FirstItem() BList
Flatten() BFlattenable
FlattenedSize() BFlattenable
Frame() BScreen
Function Pointers Constants and Defined Types


General Error Codes Error Codes


HasItem() BList
Hierarchical Organization File System Architecture


ID() BScreen
IndexForColor() BScreen
IndexOf() BList
Instantiate() BArchivable
instantiate_object() Functions and Macros
Instantiation BArchivable
instantiation_func Constants and Defined Types
int16 Constants and Defined Types
int32 Constants and Defined Types
int64 Constants and Defined Types
int8 Constants and Defined Types
Integer Types Constants and Defined Types
InvertIndex() BScreen
IsEmpty() BList
IsFixedSize() BFlattenable
IsLocked() BAutolock
IsLocked() BLocker
IsValid() BScreen
is_instance_of() Functions and Macros
is_kind_of() Functions and Macros
ItemAt() BList
Items() BList


Kernel Kit Error Codes Error Codes


Lap() BStopWatch
LastItem() BList
Lock() BLocker
Locking and Allocation BScreen
LockingThread() BLocker
LockWithTimeout() BLocker


Mail Errors Error Codes
MakeEmpty() BList
Mapping Coordinates to Pixels The Coordinate Space
max() Functions and Macros
max_c() Functions and Macros
Media Kit Error Codes Error Codes
Member Functions BArchivable
Member Functions BAutolock
Member Functions BDataIO and BPositionIO
Member Functions BFlattenable
Member Functions BList
Member Functions BLocker
Member Functions BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
Member Functions BScreen
Member Functions BStopWatch
min() Functions and Macros
min_c() Functions and Macros
Miscellaneous Functions Miscellaneous Functions and Constants
Multiple Screens BScreen


Name() BStopWatch
Names BArchivable
NIL Constants and Defined Types
NULL Constants and Defined Types
NULL and NIL Constants and Defined Types


Operators BList
Overview BArchivable
Overview BAutolock
Overview BDataIO and BPositionIO
Overview BFlattenable
Overview BList
Overview BLocker
Overview BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
Overview BScreen
Overview BStopWatch


pattern Constants and Defined Types
Perform() BArchivable
Picking Pixels to Stroke and Fill The Coordinate Space
Position() BDataIO and BPositionIO
Position() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
POSIX Errors and sterror() Error Codes


Read() BDataIO and BPositionIO
ReadAt() BDataIO and BPositionIO
ReadAt() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
read_16_swap() Functions and Macros
read_32_swap() Functions and Macros
RemoveItem() BList
RemoveItems() BList
Reset() BStopWatch
Resume() BStopWatch
rgb_color Constants and Defined Types


Screen Pixels The Coordinate Space
Screen() BScreen
Seek() BDataIO and BPositionIO
Seek() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
Sem() BLocker
SetBlockSize() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
SetDesktopColor() BScreen
SetSize() BDataIO and BPositionIO
SetSize() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
The Short Story File System Architecture
SortItems() BList
Static Functions BArchivable
status_t Constants and Defined Types
status_t Constants and Defined Types
Stroking Curved Lines The Coordinate Space
Stroking Thick Lines The Coordinate Space
Stroking Thin Lines The Coordinate Space
The Support Kit
Suspend() BStopWatch


true Constants and Defined Types
Two-Dimensional Coordinates The Coordinate Space
Type Codes Constants and Defined Types
TypeCode() BFlattenable
type_code Constants and Defined Types
type_code Constants and Defined Types


uchar Constants and Defined Types
uint16 Constants and Defined Types
uint32 Constants and Defined Types
uint64 Constants and Defined Types
uint8 Constants and Defined Types
Unflatten() BFlattenable
Unlock() BLocker


validate_instantiation() Functions and Macros
Value Constants and Defined Types
vint16 Constants and Defined Types
vint32 Constants and Defined Types
vint64 Constants and Defined Types
vint8 Constants and Defined Types
Virtual File Systems File System Architecture
vuint16 Constants and Defined Types
vuint32 Constants and Defined Types
vuint64 Constants and Defined Types
vuint8 Constants and Defined Types


WaitForRetrace() BScreen
Write() BDataIO and BPositionIO
WriteAt() BDataIO and BPositionIO
WriteAt() BMemoryIO and BMallocIO
write_16_swap() Functions and Macros
write_32_swap() Functions and Macros

The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for the BeOS Preview Release.

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Last modified July 11, 1997.