= | BList |
AddItem() | BList |
AddList() | BList |
AllowsTypeCode() | BFlattenable |
Application Kit Error Codes | Error Codes |
Archive() | BArchivable |
Archiving | BArchivable |
atomic_add() | Functions and Macros |
atomic_and() | Functions and Macros |
atomic_or() | Functions and Macros |
BArchivable() | BArchivable |
~BArchivable() | BArchivable |
BaseAddress() | BScreen |
~BAutolock() | BAutolock |
BAutolock() | BAutolock |
~BDataIO() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
BDataIO() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
beep() | Functions and Macros |
bigtime_t | Constants and Defined Types |
BList() | BList |
~BList() | BList |
~BLocker() | BLocker |
BLocker() | BLocker |
~BMallocIO() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
BMallocIO() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
BMemoryIO() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
~BMemoryIO() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
bool | Constants and Defined Types |
bool | Constants and Defined Types |
Boolean Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
~BPositionIO() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
BPositionIO() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
~BScreen() | BScreen |
~BStopWatch() | BStopWatch |
BStopWatch() | BStopWatch |
Buffer() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
BufferLength() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
BytesPerRow() | BScreen |
B_ANY_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ASCII_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_BOOL_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_CHAR_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_COLOR_8_BIT | Constants and Defined Types |
B_COLOR_8_BIT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_DOUBLE_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_EMPTY_STRING | Constants and Defined Types |
B_EUC_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_FLOAT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_GRAYSCALE_8_BIT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
B_INT16_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_INT32_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_INT64_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_INT8_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO10_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO1_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO2_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO3_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO4_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO5_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO6_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO7_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO8_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ISO9_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_MAC_ROMAN_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_MESSAGE_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_MESSENGER_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_MIME_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_MONOCHROME_1_BIT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_OBJECT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_OFF_T_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_OS_NAME_LENGTH | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
B_PAGE_SIZE | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
B_PATH_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_PATTERN_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_PFI | Constants and Defined Types |
B_PFL | Constants and Defined Types |
B_PFV | Constants and Defined Types |
B_POINTER_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_POINT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_RAW_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_RECT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_REF_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_RGB_32_BIT | Constants and Defined Types |
B_RGB_32_BIT_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_SIZE_T_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_SJIS_CONVERSION | Constants and Defined Types |
B_SSIZE_T_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_STRING_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_TIME_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_UINT16_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_UINT32_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_UINT64_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
B_UINT8_TYPE | Constants and Defined Types |
cast_as() | Functions and Macros |
Caveats | BStopWatch |
class_name() | Functions and Macros |
clear_caches() | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
ColorForIndex() | BScreen |
ColorMap() | BScreen |
ColorSpace() | BScreen |
Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
Constants | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
Constructor and Destructor | BArchivable |
Constructor and Destructor | BAutolock |
Constructor and Destructor | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
Constructor and Destructor | BList |
Constructor and Destructor | BLocker |
Constructor and Destructor | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
Constructor and Destructor | BScreen |
Constructor and Destructor | BStopWatch |
convert_from_utf8() | Functions and Macros |
convert_to_utf8() | Functions and Macros |
Coordinate Data Types | The Coordinate Space |
Coordinate Systems | The Coordinate Space |
CountItems() | BList |
CountLockRequests() | BLocker |
CountLocks() | BLocker |
debugger() | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
Deep and Shallow Archives | BArchivable |
Default Root Nodes | File System Architecture |
Defined constant | Constants and Defined Types |
Defined Types | Constants and Defined Types |
DesktopColor() | BScreen |
Device Kit Errors | Error Codes |
DoForEach() | BList |
Dynamic Loading | BArchivable |
ElapsedTime() | BStopWatch |
Empty String | Constants and Defined Types |
Encoding Conversion Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
entry_ref | Constants and Defined Types |
false | Constants and Defined Types |
File System Error Codes | Error Codes |
File System Handlers | File System Architecture |
File System Layout and the Root File System | File System Architecture |
Filling and Stroking Polygons | The Coordinate Space |
Filling and Stroking Rectangles | The Coordinate Space |
find_instantiation_func() | Functions and Macros |
FirstItem() | BList |
Flatten() | BFlattenable |
FlattenedSize() | BFlattenable |
Frame() | BScreen |
Function Pointers | Constants and Defined Types |
General Error Codes | Error Codes |
HasItem() | BList |
Hierarchical Organization | File System Architecture |
ID() | BScreen |
IndexForColor() | BScreen |
IndexOf() | BList |
Instantiate() | BArchivable |
instantiate_object() | Functions and Macros |
Instantiation | BArchivable |
instantiation_func | Constants and Defined Types |
int16 | Constants and Defined Types |
int32 | Constants and Defined Types |
int64 | Constants and Defined Types |
int8 | Constants and Defined Types |
Integer Types | Constants and Defined Types |
InvertIndex() | BScreen |
IsEmpty() | BList |
IsFixedSize() | BFlattenable |
IsLocked() | BAutolock |
IsLocked() | BLocker |
IsValid() | BScreen |
is_instance_of() | Functions and Macros |
is_kind_of() | Functions and Macros |
ItemAt() | BList |
Items() | BList |
Kernel Kit Error Codes | Error Codes |
Lap() | BStopWatch |
LastItem() | BList |
Lock() | BLocker |
Locking and Allocation | BScreen |
LockingThread() | BLocker |
LockWithTimeout() | BLocker |
Mail Errors | Error Codes |
MakeEmpty() | BList |
Mapping Coordinates to Pixels | The Coordinate Space |
max() | Functions and Macros |
max_c() | Functions and Macros |
Media Kit Error Codes | Error Codes |
Member Functions | BArchivable |
Member Functions | BAutolock |
Member Functions | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
Member Functions | BFlattenable |
Member Functions | BList |
Member Functions | BLocker |
Member Functions | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
Member Functions | BScreen |
Member Functions | BStopWatch |
min() | Functions and Macros |
min_c() | Functions and Macros |
Miscellaneous Functions | Miscellaneous Functions and Constants |
Multiple Screens | BScreen |
Name() | BStopWatch |
Names | BArchivable |
NIL | Constants and Defined Types |
NULL | Constants and Defined Types |
NULL and NIL | Constants and Defined Types |
Operators | BList |
Overview | BArchivable |
Overview | BAutolock |
Overview | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
Overview | BFlattenable |
Overview | BList |
Overview | BLocker |
Overview | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
Overview | BScreen |
Overview | BStopWatch |
pattern | Constants and Defined Types |
Perform() | BArchivable |
Picking Pixels to Stroke and Fill | The Coordinate Space |
Position() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
Position() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
POSIX Errors and sterror() | Error Codes |
Read() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
ReadAt() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
ReadAt() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
read_16_swap() | Functions and Macros |
read_32_swap() | Functions and Macros |
RemoveItem() | BList |
RemoveItems() | BList |
Reset() | BStopWatch |
Resume() | BStopWatch |
rgb_color | Constants and Defined Types |
Screen Pixels | The Coordinate Space |
Screen() | BScreen |
Seek() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
Seek() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
Sem() | BLocker |
SetBlockSize() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
SetDesktopColor() | BScreen |
SetSize() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
SetSize() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
The Short Story | File System Architecture |
SortItems() | BList |
Static Functions | BArchivable |
status_t | Constants and Defined Types |
status_t | Constants and Defined Types |
Stroking Curved Lines | The Coordinate Space |
Stroking Thick Lines | The Coordinate Space |
Stroking Thin Lines | The Coordinate Space |
The Support Kit | |
Suspend() | BStopWatch |
true | Constants and Defined Types |
Two-Dimensional Coordinates | The Coordinate Space |
Type Codes | Constants and Defined Types |
TypeCode() | BFlattenable |
type_code | Constants and Defined Types |
type_code | Constants and Defined Types |
uchar | Constants and Defined Types |
uint16 | Constants and Defined Types |
uint32 | Constants and Defined Types |
uint64 | Constants and Defined Types |
uint8 | Constants and Defined Types |
Unflatten() | BFlattenable |
Unlock() | BLocker |
validate_instantiation() | Functions and Macros |
Value | Constants and Defined Types |
vint16 | Constants and Defined Types |
vint32 | Constants and Defined Types |
vint64 | Constants and Defined Types |
vint8 | Constants and Defined Types |
Virtual File Systems | File System Architecture |
vuint16 | Constants and Defined Types |
vuint32 | Constants and Defined Types |
vuint64 | Constants and Defined Types |
vuint8 | Constants and Defined Types |
WaitForRetrace() | BScreen |
Write() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
WriteAt() | BDataIO and BPositionIO |
WriteAt() | BMemoryIO and BMallocIO |
write_16_swap() | Functions and Macros |
write_32_swap() | Functions and Macros |
The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for the BeOS Preview Release.
Copyright © 1997 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Be is a registered trademark; BeOS, BeBox, BeWare, GeekPort, the Be logo, and the BeOS logo are trademarks of Be, Inc.
Last modified July 11, 1997.