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This edition of the BeOS User's Guide accompanies the BeOS Preview Release. This guide teaches you the basics of working with the BeOS on a BeBox or a Power Macintosh -compatible computer. It also familiarizes you with the Be user interface, and Be applications.

The BeOS User's Guide includes the following chapters:

Chapter 1, "Installing the BeOS Preview Release." How to install the BeOS for BeBox and Power Macintosh, including advanced installation information for partitioning disks.

Chapter 2, "Learning BeOS Basics." Covers all the basics of working with the BeOS user interface.

Chapter 3, "Learning Be Application Basics." The basic techniques for using Be applications: starting apps, opening files, typing and editing text, saving files, quitting, and other application-related tasks.

Chapter 4, "Connecting Your BeOS System to the Internet." Detailed information regarding configuring your BeOS system for networking.

Chapter 5, "Using Internet Services." Covers all there is to know about using Internet services with the BeOS, including the worldwide web, ftp, mail, and remote access.

Chapter 6, "Customizing the BeOS." How to use BeOS application to customize the look and operation of your computer.

Chapter 7, "Working With the Mac OS." Discusses working across platforms. Includes information on mounting hierarchical file system volumes, converting Macintosh TrueType fonts, and transferring files from networked Mac OS hosts to your BeOS.

"App A: Using the BeOS Command Line Shell." Running the BeOS from a command line terminal window.

"App B: BeOS Directory Structure." Gives and overview of the directory (or folder) structure of the BeOS system

In addition to this guide, you can also refer to the following:

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Copyright © 1997, Be, Incorporated. All rights reserved.