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BeOS Preview Release
Information Flash Request

Be is currently completing work on the BeOS Preview Release, the first release designed to be used by "bleeding-edge" users (rather than just the "bleeding-edge" developers.)

If you would like to be notified by Be when details on the BeOS Preview Release are available, please complete the information below. Note that your email address will only be used for this Preview Release notification and will not be used by anyone other than Be.

If you are a registered Be developer, you do not need to complete this form. See the Be Developer pages to update your developer record. You will be sent a copy of the Preview Release as soon as it is available, but you must confirm your developer information in advance of this release to recieve priority shipment. If you are a developer not registered with Be, see the Be Developer Program page for more information about registering.

BeOS Preview Release Info Flash Request

E-Mail Address: 

We're gathering information on typical user configurations in order to help us tune hardware compatibility and performance. Please tell us about the system you plan to run the BeOS on. This information will be used internally at Be for statistical purposes only.

I plan to use the BeOS Preview Release on:

If a PowerMac compatible, which model:
If "Other" above, which model:

Total memory (RAM) installed (or planned):

I plan to install the BeOS on a:

I plan to use the following printers on a regular basis:

LaserWriter-compatible via LocalTalk
LaserWriter-compatible via Ethernet
Apple StyleWriter I
HP DeskWriter
Epson Stylus
Canon BubbleJet

What type of video support will you use?

on-board video PCI card video
If a PCI card, which model:

What other PCI cards will you have installed?

What other SCSI peripherals will you have attached to your computer? (please specify model where possible.)

Other than a standard keyboard or mouse, what other ADB devices will you use? (i.e. trackball or other device, please specify model.)

What is the most important application type you'd like to see on the BeOS? (best description)

And finally, what is the most important new capability the BeOS needs to offer?

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