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BeOS Ready Systems
PowerPC Systems Capable of Running the BeOS

Looking for a PowerPC-based system that is BeOS capable? Or wondering if your current system can run the BeOS? Look no further, the following list contains all current models (that we are aware of) that are BeOS Ready. This information is updated at regular intervals to include new models and any status change on existing models.

The BeOS is, of course, supported by all BeBox dual processor computers. For more information on these systems, see the BeBox product pages. For information on PIOS compatibility and release timeframes, see the PIOS web site.

Note: This is absolutely the most current information available on BeOS for PowerMac compatibility. We keep this list completely up-to-date with the latest BeOS compatibility status on every PowerMac model. Unfortunately, we do not have any further information on BeOS for PowerMac compatibility. If a Power Macintosh or compatible clone is not mentioned on this list, we have not yet tested it for compatibility. As soon as we do know if a machine is compatible, we'll add it to the list. Really.

Power Computing is an official licensee of the BeOS



PowerTower Pro 250 MP Yes Yes 604
PowerTower Pro 225 MP Yes Yes 604
PowerTower Pro 225 Yes Yes 604
PowerTower Pro 200 Yes Yes 604
PowerTower Pro 180 Yes Yes 604
PowerTower 200e Yes Yes 604
PowerTower 180e Yes Yes 604
PowerTower 180 Yes Yes 604
PowerTower 166 Yes Yes 604
PowerCenter Pro 210 Yes** Yes** 604
PowerCenter Pro 180 Yes** Yes** 604
PowerCenter 180 Yes Yes 604
PowerCenter 166 Yes Yes 604
PowerCenter 150 Yes Yes 604
PowerCenter 132 Yes Yes 604
PowerCenter 120 Yes Yes 604
PowerBase 240 No Yes 603
PowerBase 200 No Yes 603
PowerBase 180 No Yes 603
PowerWave 150 Yes Yes 604
PowerWave 132 Yes Yes 604
PowerWave 120 Yes Yes 604
PowerCurve 120 No No 601
Power 120 No No 601
Power 100 No No 601

** SCSI devices must be plugged into the on-board SCSI bus, not the bundled Adaptec PCI card. Support for the Adaptec card is forthcoming.

Be intends to support future PowerComputing models as they become available.

Apple Computer
PowerMacintosh 9600 233 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 9600 200 MP Yes Yes Dual 604
PowerMacintosh 9600 200 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 9500 200 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 9500 180 MP Yes Yes Dual 604
PowerMacintosh 9500 180 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 9500 150 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 9500 132 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 9500 120 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 8600 200 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 8500 180 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 8500 150 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 8500 120 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 7600 132 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 7600 120 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 7500 100 No No 601
PowerMacintosh 7300 200 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 7300 180 Yes Yes 604
PowerMacintosh 7200 120* No No 601
PowerMacintosh 7200 90* No No 601
PowerMacintosh 7200 75* No No 601
PowerMacintosh 4400 200 No Yes 603
Performa 6400 200 No Yes 603
Performa 6400 180 No Yes 603
Performa 6360** No Yes** 603
PowerMacintosh 8100 Series* No No 601
PowerMacintosh 7100 Series* No No 601
Performa 6300 Series**
(except 6360)
No No** 603
Performa 6200 Series No No 603
PowerMacintosh 6100 Series* No No 601
Performa 5400 Series No No 603
Performa 5200 Series No No 603
All PowerBook Designs No No

* Support for PowerPC 601 designs will not be available. For more detailed information on this, please see the PowerMac Q & A section.

** The Performa 6360 motherboard is very similar to the Performa 6400, so the BeOS will run on 6360 models. It will not run on any other Performa 6300 Series computers due to significant differences in the other motherboards in that series. For more detailed information on this, please see the Q & A section.

Each Apple model is based on a different hardware design. Be intends to support future Apple models in general, but support for each specific model will need to be determined at time of introduction of the new hardware. Be will examine support for CHRP/PPCP designs when they are available.

StarMax 3000 240 No Yes 603
StarMax 3000 200 No Yes 603
StarMax 3000 180 No Yes 603
StarMax 3000 160 No Yes 603
StarMax 4000 200 No Yes 604
StarMax 4000 160 No Yes 604
StarMax 5000 300 No Yes 603
All PowerStack II Designs* No No

S900 200 Yes Yes 604
S900 180 Yes Yes 604
S900 150 Yes Yes 604
J700 150 Yes Yes 604
C600 240 No Yes 603
C500 180 No Yes 603

Genesis MP Yes Yes Dual or Quad 604
nPower 360+ Dual Processor Card Yes* Yes* Dual 604
nPower 400+ Dual Processor Card Yes* Yes* Dual 604

* Supported when this card is used within another Be Ready system listed on this page

APS Technologies
M-Power 604e200 No No* 604
M-Power 603e200 No No* 603
M-Power 603e160 No No* 603

* We believe we'll be able to support APS machines. However, we have not yet seen these designs and so BeOS support is conditional to date.

Infiniti 3180 No No* 603
Infiniti 3200 No No* 603
Infiniti 3240 No No* 603
Infiniti 4200 No No* 604

* We believe we'll be able to support PowerTools machines. However, we have not yet seen these designs and so BeOS support is conditional to date.


DR8 Developer Release: This system is capable of running the DR8/PowerMac Developer Release distributed by Be, Metrowerks and MacTech.

BeOS Preview Release: This system will be capable of running the BeOS Preview Release, to be shipped in 1997.

Processor: Processor upon which this machine is based.

Currently Sold: Yes indicates that this machine is currently available. No means that this machine is part of the installed base, but not longer available for purchase.

IMPORTANT: This list is provided for informational puposes only. Support for any particular hardware platform may change without notice. Be cannot be held responsible for the use of this information, or the appropriateness of any purchase decisions based on this information.

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