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Be Icons and Windows

Here are links to a few programs and resources which can make your MacOS machine look a bit like a BeOS machine. They can all be found at your favorite info-mac archive.

An extremely thorough assmebly of utilities to make your Mac look like its running the BeOS can also be found at the MacOver-Be site.


  • Kaleidoscope, by Greg Landweber
    A shareware (US$20.00) control panel which permits different Mac interface appearances through a plug-in interface; it comes with a BeOS interface too.

  • Church Windows, by Dair Grant
    A shareware (US$15.00) control panel which offers several different window looks from different operating systems, including the BeOS.

  • BeBox Windows, by Erik Wrenholt
    A shareware (US$5.00) extension which alters your window title bars, edges, and sliders for a more BeOS-like feel. Compatible with Aaron.

  • BeView, by Greg Landweber
    A shareware (US$10.00) extension from the creator of Aaron and Greg's Buttons. BeView patches your buttons, windows, scroll bars, menu colors, and Finder icons.

  • BeView Extras, assembled by Dale Gillard
    Includes a fairly complete set of DR8 icons and a BeBox hand replacement for the Mac arrow. (Note that the icons are the property of Be, Inc.; you'll need to contact us before using the icons if they're viewable by someone other than yourself. Many folks want to use them on web sites, too--contact us first!)

  • BeView Screens, assembled by Dale Gillard
    A couple of Be-related startup screens for the Mac.

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