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How Orders Are Completed


You can place orders directly with Be, Inc. from the customer order page. On this page you provide your name and shipping address, items ordered, delivery preference, and billing information.

When you submit your order, the Be web server will record it and then send a new page of information to you. This page will repeat all of the details of your order so that you can confirm it. If there are changes to be made, you can return to the order page.

Once you confirm your order, you will receive a final page with your order information which you can print for your records.

When Orders Are Shipped

If an item is available for shipment (see the availability page), you can expect that your order will be shipped within 72 business hours of placement. Arrival of your shipment will then depend only on your selected delivery method, and on your geographical location.

If the product that you have ordered is not available for immediate shipment, then your order will be place on backorder. When a product becomes available, we will fill orders, and we attempt to fulfill in priority of when the order was placed.

Please note that we are not able to confirm backorders before shipment - we will complete the order as soon as the product is available. You may cancel an order on backlog anytime before it is shipped.

If part of your order is available, we will ship that portion immediately, and place the remainder on backorder.

Where Products are Shipped From

Products are shipped from different locations depending on your shipping address. Orders destined for the US, Canada, Australia, New Zeland or other countries in and around the Pacific are shipped from Calfornia. Orders for the European Community, Africa, and the Meditteranean are shipped from Paris, France.

Note that orders for BeOS Software or BeWear signature items may not be shipped at the same time or in the same boxes. You may receive parts of your order at different times if you order includes combinations of these items.


Your credit card is not billed by Be, Inc. until we have confirmed that your order has shipped from our manufacturing site or order fulfillment house. No charges are made for items that are on backorder. If part of your order is shipped (due to backlog or limited availability), you will be billed only for the portion shipped.

Order Status

You can check the status of your order by sending an e-mail to orders@be.com. Include your Order Reference Number with your message. Someone will personally check on your order and send a message back to you.

Order Cancellation and Changes

If you need to cancel or change your order (for example, in order to change an order for an item that is on backorder), you can do so be sending e-mail to orders@be.com, or by calling 1-415-462-4142. You may cancel at any time prior to your order being shipped.


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