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BeOS Software Update: NetPositive


Warning: This is Obsolete Software!

The software described in this update is obsolete and unsupported. Use at your own risk. To learn about and obtain the most current releases of Be software, visit the Be Software Updates page on our web site:


From time to time Be releases minor software updates and makes them available for downloading. This page describes and makes available a new version of NetPositive.

This software update was released on January 23, 1996.


This is the latest version of the NetPositive web browser application, version 0.80. It adds several new features, including the much-requested bookmarks. Very recommended.

Who Needs This Update

You need this update only if you have a version of NetPositive prior to version 0.80. You should only have a older version if you are running BeOS DR8.2 or earlier on a BeBox.

Users running the BeOS on a PowerMac do not need this update, as it is the version of NetPositive which was included with the BeOS for PowerMac DR8.2 CD-ROM.

Getting the Update

The update to NetPositive is available from the Be ftp site:

Installing the Update

  1. Download the file to your BeBox by clicking the above link.
  2. Decompress the archive.
  3. The folder contains the new NetPositive application and a readme file.
  4. Move the old NetPositive application from the /apps folder to the Trash.
  5. Move the new NetPositive application to your /apps folder.
  6. Launch and then quit NetPositive (don't go anywhere).
  7. Reboot your BeBox.
These last two steps are required to update your system database to manage your NetPositive bookmarks.

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