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Be-Related Web Sites

There are Be-related web sites springing up all over the world. Many of our Be User Groups have web sites too--check out the Be User Group page for details on which BUGs are out there. If you know of other Be-related web sites not listed here, send them to the webmaster and we'll add them to the list.


Sites in North America

ZDNet's dedicated Be center, gathering news and reviews on all things Be from the Ziff-Davis publications family. Featuring BeBox Journal, the weekly account of an early adopter's BeBox experiences.

BeOS Central
Daily info & thoughts on BeOS topics.

Daily news & tips for BeOS users, with lots of links to other Be-related sites (until recently, daily info was on the LAMUG'BUG site; now it's a separate entity).

Be Up-To-Date
Tips & tidbits on Be-related topics.

Rumors, info, and news for folks in the Be community.

Developer Depot
A partial list of Be developers with their applications.

Double B
News on events in the Be community, including a News section in German.

Steve and the BeOS
A chronicle of BeOS for PowerMac experiences and observations, written by a longtime MacOS user.

A Weekend with BeOS DR 8.2
A PowerMac user outlines his first weekend with the BeOS, offering tips for other potential BeOS users.

BeOS Small Developer Information
Discussions about the BeOS market, along with some programming tips & tricks.

PIOS makes a geek-oriented computer which also runs the BeOS.

A new online BeOS developer-oriented magazine; "The digital tech journal for Be developers". Filled with code snippets and programming tips. Located at the above link and mirrored at Purity Software's site.

The Be Terminal
A web site with a pseudo-BeOS interface. It has workspaces and everything, although the content of the site has nothing to do with the BeOS.

2 Be
Recent Be community happenings, including the Be Colony Listing.

European Be Geek Correspondents
Our European Be Geek Correspondent, roaming the countryside and spreading info about Be.

The "Be Specific" Page
Lots of information for Be developers, including discussion, links to other Be sites on the web, collections of information from the comp.sys.be newsgroup hierarchy and other sources.

A Be-related site maintained by Incognitive Systems.

LINUX for PowerPC.
This group is porting the LINUX operating system to the BeBox! Also check the Be Linux page for tips on running Linux on your BeBox.

The Be Worship Page
A student project, maintained by the enthusiastic Brian Beaty of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Techology.

FIREBUG -- The First BeBox Users' Group
Maintained by Julie Petersen of Abiogenesis.

A site with updates on Be news, maintained by Dartmouth student Eric Kidd.

#bebox - http://oprf.org/~threaded
A web page about the #bebox IRC channel.

The Boston Be User's Group.

Be First
A site for Be developers with a list of hardware that runs on the BeBox, collected from users.

The BeMall
A site where you can share software and developer information. You'll also be able to buy and sell shareware and commercial software for the Be OS.

Canada: Be Happy!
A Canadian site maintained by Chris Herborth.

Sites in the Pacific

Plat'Home Co. Ltd., the web-based Be distributor in Japan.

SI Electronics Ltd.
SI Electronics is one of our distributors in Japan; they're focusing on game developers.

Japan: BeTalk-J Mailing List FAQ. (In Japanese)
An unofficial FAQ from the BeTalk-J mailing list.

Japan: BeBox!!. (In Japanese)
A Be-related web site in Japan.

A Be web site mirror in Japan, hosted by Kisaka (noah) Toshihiro of Videca, Inc.

Sites in Europe

France: http://elite.calvacom.fr/BeLinks.html.
Courtesy Daniel Blériot. A good place to go for links to other Be-related stuff.

France: "Solid Rock, Blue BeBox A Lu-La"
Words fail.

France: BeWorld.
An online "fanzine," in French. Close brother of BeInTouch, in English. Includes sections like "Gasséespeak" and "Calmonspeak" (soon to come).

Israel: http://shape.co.il/BeBox/.
A Be mirror site in Israel.

Norway: http://www.ifi.uio.no/~stigo/bebox.html.
A Norwegian creation.

Sweden: BeYond.
A site with links to Be information, including a partial list of companies working on BeOS software, maintained by Erik Lindberg.


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