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Internal Diskdrive

34 PIN IDC MALE(At the computer & diskdrives)

34 PIN IDC MALE at the computer & diskdrives.

Pin Name Dir Description
2 /REDWC --> Density Select
4 n/c   Reserved
6 n/c   Reserved
8 /INDEX <-- Index
10 /MOTEA --> Motor Enable A
12 /DRVSB --> Drive Sel B
14 /DRVSA --> Drive Sel A
16 /MOTEB --> Motor Enable B
18 /DIR --> Direction
20 /STEP --> Step
22 /WDATE --> Write Data
24 /WGATE --> Floppy Write Enable
26 /TRK00 <-- Track 0
28 /WPT <-- Write Protect
30 /RDATA <-- Read Data
32 /SIDE1 --> Head Select
34 /DSKCHG --> Disk Change
Note: Direction is Computer relative Diskdrive.
Note: All odd pins are GND, Ground.
Note: Can be an Edge-connector on old PC's.
Contributor: Joakim Ögren
Source: ?
Please send any comments to Joakim Ögren.