(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Amiga Monitor Mirror Sites
This list is subject to growth and change
Mirror Site Categories
Primary Sites
World Wide Web Sites
United Kingdom
United States
- Aminet, one of the biggest online software archives anywhere; AM can be found in the form "amX_Yhtm.lha" and "amX_Yag.lha" (where X=volume number and Y=issue number) in the "docs/mags" directory.
- The Amiga Web Directory,; mirrors all issues of The Amiga Monitor in online-readable HTML format; also contains a topical AM search engine.
- Ink's Web Site, Beth Wise (Ink)'s home page, and Amiga page. Mirrors current issue online in HTML.
- Midnight's HomePage, Phil Beazley (Midnight)'s home page. Mirrors HTML and AmigaGuide online, and contains LhA archives of current and past issues. Located in North Carolina.
- San Diego's "Aminet Source," Carries archives of The Amiga Monitor. Other status information uncertain at this time.
- The Webb Site, This is the Official Home Site for The Amiga Monitor. All formats are available here, and past issues are available in archived format. New issues appear here the soonest.
- World Wide Amiga Online!, Mirrors HTML and AmigaGuide online, with AmigaGuide archives. Located in Huntsville, Alabama, USA.
Bulletin Board Systems
- WAVE II: Pinellas Park, Florida, USA; Phone #: 813-544-1976; maintained by Lee Jenkin, carries AmigaGuide archives.
- Glenn's World BBS: Salem, Oregon, USA; Phone #: 503-581-0067 (28.8K); maintained by Glenn J. Schworak, carries AmigaGuide archives.
Online Service Providers
- The AmigaUser forum on CompuServe, You must be a member of CompuServe, and have your browser properly set up for interfacing with CIM, to follow this link. Or, if you are a member not using CIM, simply type "GO AMIGAUSER" at the prompt. Once there, search the libraries for keywords such as "Webb" or "Monitor."
- The Starship Amiga Roundtable on Genie: you must be a member of Genie in order to access this. Type in keyword "Amiga," or "Move 555" to get to the Amiga RT, or use navigation buttons if you have a Genie frontend program. Once there, search the libraries for keywords such as "Webb" or "Monitor."
Some Key Amiga and Amiga Monitor-oriented links:
Amiga Monitor Main Index
Amiga Web Directory