hide random home http://www.cucug.org/amiga/aminews/960504.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Anti Gravity Products Counters SMG's Claims About Amiga Technologies

From: antigrav@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Amiga Tech
Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 18:27:51 GMT
Organization: Anti Gravity Products

Anti Gravity Products would like to discount SMG comments about AT. AT has always been very professional to Anti Gravity Products and has fulfilled any request we made to them regarding products, slicks product information etc. SMGs claims about AT are based on the fact that they did not proform, thus they were removed from Amiga distrubution because they do not know how to sell the product. SMG did not know how to sell Amigas and did not put much effort in learning.

Bill Panagouleas
Anti Gravity Products
Sales Manager

Robert Van Buren
Communications system administrator
Anti Gravity Products

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