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Haage & Partner Are Bringing the Power of Java to the Amiga


Code name: "MERAPI"

Java is gathering momentum in the computer market has raised hopes of a more open, decentralized, and tolerant software future than the developments of recent years have led us to expect. For Amiga users, it has given rise to a demand for participation in this future--participation that can only be provided by a good Java Virtual Machine implementation (the software engine that executes programs created in Java) for our machine.

To meet this demand, Haage & Partner are developing a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementation under the code name *Merapi*. In our perception, the Java technology has several attractive features particularly from the Amiga users' point of view:

The Merapi project focuses specifically on bringing these benefits to the Amiga user base. Apart from the obvious goals of compatibility and the ability to run Java software fast, which all JVM implementations strive for, Merapi has more characteristic aims. The main ones are:

MERAPI project is done by Jeroen Vermeulen in co-operation with the Storm team. MERAPI will be integrated into Web browsers like VOYAGER NG, but it will also be a stand-alone JAVA interpreter with just-in-time compiler (to speeed it up, JIT) to run JAVA applications like Corel Office for Java.

MERAPI will also be integrated into the Storm Development System to enable programmers to write JAVA applications on the Amiga. A port to p.OS and PowerUP will be done.

"MERAPI" project is still under development. Project started in late 1996. Release date is about August 97.

We will release more information on features and prices in June/July.

"MERAPI" will be the optimal solution for programmers and end-users.

HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH, PO Box 80, 61191 Rosbach, Germany
Phone: +49 - 6007 - 930050, Fax: +49 - 6007 - 7543
Email: info@haage-partner.com Intenet: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Haage_Partner/

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