From: "Mathew R. Ignash" This message is to inform you that the popular web page Honorable
Mention has now grown to include over 400 articles.
It seems like I only hit 300 articles not long ago, but there
seems to be no end of resources to call on in for the Amiga.
Honorable Mention is a page I upkeep that indexes mentions of the
Amiga computer in non-Amiga magazines and news sources. On the
site you can read articles dating from Newsbytes mentions of the
Amiga back in June 1984 all the way to shocking news of the sale
of the Amiga technology to Lotus Pacific this July.
Many stories include links to full text, mailto: links to the
author's and links to the news sources home page.
Come see it at and click on the
Honorable Mention section.
Thank you,
Mathew R. Ignash
Date sent: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 17:06:24 +0500
Subject: Honorable Mention hits 400!
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