(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Reader Mail
== Reader Mail ==
From RJMARIER@STTHOMAS.EDU Sat Mar 11 13:07:28 1995
First, I wanted to thank you and all of the rest of the staff of AR for putting
out such a great online mag. It's a pleasure to read it. I look forward to
even more of AR (especially since Amiga World is gone)!
Now, I've got a big question for you........ I was wondering if you might
be able to supply me with an e-mail address for Alex Amor and David
Pleasance. I would more than appreciate it if you could find those
Thanks very much,
Robert Marier
- Well, neither Amor nor Pleasance have direct e-mail addresses.
Commodore UK can be reached as, and CEI has
asked that their e-mail address not be released publicly yet, so I'll
pass anything you want sent to them along.
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