(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
== compt.sys.editor.desk By: Jason Compton ==
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
It seems like what should be our greatest assets are our greatest
Take, for example, the horrifying distribution of AR 3.13. It totally
overloaded the listserv. Some people got 80 copies, others got none.
Those that DID get it who didn't have OS 3.x ran into a slight problem
because we made an AmigaGuide error that only affects pre-3.0 AmigaGuide
(BTW, guys, delete line 1991. It'll work then.) We're returning to the
manual-script method of distribution. Hey, it's slower, but it's less
hassle for readers.
And then there's Amiga Technologies. What was originally cause for great
rejoicing is now sending some Amiga users packing. Not everyone is pleased
with the strategic decisions and marketing plans the company has laid out.
Still, all hope is not lost. Amiga Technologies has shown they will
listen to a mass user revolt. The force of negative energy that responded
to the projected US$3500 price of the 4000T brought the company to hold a
distribution conference, and the new price, reported in a dealer letter
sent out by CEI, is roughly $2700.
Certainly, nothing to write home about. Still uncompetitive in the home
computer market. But it's an improvement. And if Amiga users can continue
to join together to make good things happen-then the fight is never over.
Take AmiJAM '95 and the upcoming Amiga Convention '95. Two grassroots
organizations putting on shows. Of course, it would be great to have a
parent company willing to organize such events, but for now, we'll live.
Make no mistake, though. The clock on Amiga Technologies' borrowed time is
ticking, and that time is running out rapidly. We need a bonanza. We need
an event. Amiga Technologies MUST show the Amiga community, and the world,
that they will be a serious player in the world of computing for the rest
of this century and beyond. Everyone else is vying to make this statement.
It's do or die time.
P.S. For those who didn't get AR 3.13 and would still like to get a hold of
it, any Aminet site will carry it in the directory pub/aminet/docs/mags.
If you do not have direct FTP access, there is an excellent FTP-Mail server
on To use it, send mail to and
ask for HELP. (This site is also an Aminet mirror site, making it doubly
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