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News & Press Releases

                           News & Press Releases

   Amiga Goes PowerPC     Finally, the RISC announcement

     IPISA '95 News       Dr. Kittel to appear

   Windows Emulation      ...Perhaps?

  AudioLab16 Release2     A 16-bit audio editing system

     AmiPhone v0.5B       Realtime audio chats over TCP

   Argel Pointers 5.0     A hires pointer/graphics set

     fMSX Amiga 0.7       The MSX emulator enhanced

  PD GIF for ImageFX 2    ImageFX dodges the GIF patent

  ImageFX 2.1a Upgrade    ImageFX gets a free upgrade

      ImageStudio         ImageStudio goes commercial

      Aminet CD 8         The latest Aminet compilation

   IAM Announcements      The latest from Drexel Hill

  AB3D Special Edition    Enhancements are forthcoming...

 PowerPC News on Amigas   What PowerPC News has to say

 Amiga Atlanta Banquet    News on the upcoming anniversary

      Light-ROM 3         3 CD-ROMs of modelling data

      SqOpal v1.4         An OpalVision view program

    Master ISO v1.21b     An upgrade to the CD-ROM masterer

   CompactPlayer v1.4     Audio CD playing on the Amiga

    Virtual Karting       Racing, racing, racing...

      Jukebox 2.1         More audio CD playing 

    Quiet SCSI v1.1       Hard drive powerdown utility

      RTrack v0.1         Resource tracking library

     C-Shell v5.48        The powerful shell

     Asim CDFS v3.4       An upgrade to the CD-ROM filesystem

  shutdown.library 1.0    For use in conjunction with a UPS

    Upgrade to THOR       From AmiQWK

 Amiga Typeface Engine    Sorta like Adobe Type Manager

    Motor Duel v1.1       Racing and killing

     InfraRexx v1.7       IR control for the Amiga

    Amiga Elm v8.20       A new version of the newsreader

      ShutUp 1.3.5        UPS control

 UniversalXiPaintModule   Enhance XiPaint's load/save abilities

 CyberShow Professional   A powerful CyberGfx viewer

 Amiga CDROM Guide v1.3   A list of what's available

      DoIcon v1.6         Icon information manipulation

        RO v1.10          MUI-based directory utility

     amiCheck v1.80       Manage your finances...

    HTML-Heaven v1.2      A suite to create HTML documents

  UniversalGIO Module     Enhance Photogenic's load/save abilities

      AutoPEG v2.0        24 bit IFF -> JPEG tool

  Offline Orbit v0.88     An offline message reader

      NetMail v1.3        A mail reader/sender

    Opinion      Articles      Reviews      Charts      Adverts  


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