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Aminet Charts: 29-Jan-96

| The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 29-Jan-96
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
mn_ansitest.lha    comm/mebbs   3K  31+ANSI Test Door for MEBBSNet
ar401.lha          docs/mags   66K   1+Amiga Report 4.01, January 16, 1996
TCPIP-Master15.lha comm/tcp    30K   1+Version 1.5 of an TCP/IP Controll-Pa
FastExec11.lzh     util/boot    6K   1+Moves exec.library to fast memory
mftp1_33.lha       comm/tcp    79K   0+Update for mftp1_31.lha (MUI ftp cli
WinPlay.lha        gfx/show    41K   0+Workbench Anim Player - Version 1.31
CGWBPat105.lha     util/wb    101K   0+New WBPattern (supports. CGfx) Now l
ju257.lha          hard/hack  121K   1+How to modify Panasonic 3.5" disk dr
picturedtV43.lha   gfx/board  103K   0+24Bit picture.datatype for CyberGfx
FTPMaker.lha       comm/misc   40K   0+Help you to configure your ftpaccess
taskbar3.lha       util/wb     19K   1+Win95 style taskbar (bugs fixed)
MUIXAnim10.lha     gfx/show    20K   1+A Graphic User Interface to use with
ifftoasc.lha       gfx/conv    70K   1+Converts IFFs to ASCII art!
MountInfo.lha      disk/misc    5K   1+Shows Mountlists for auto-mounted de
Rocko.lha          game/misc  294K   0+Boxing Game with Digitized Graphics
slipcall4.lha      comm/tcp    97K   0+Dialer for AmiTCP, v37.51, bugfixes.
GPDialv1.0.lha     comm/tcp    59K   1+A script based dialer for AmiTCP
mcx243.lha         util/cdity  53K   0+Multi Function Commodity
sfx-doc_eng.lha    mus/edit    76K   0+V 3.3 Docs english

| The highest rated programs during the week until 29-Jan-96
| Updated weekly. Best program on top. Please rate all the programs you
| download. To do so, send to aminet-server@wuarchive.wustl.edu :
| RATE <path> <num>
| where <path> is the file you want to judge and <num> is a mark from 0..10
| with 10 being the best. You can rate several programs in one mail, but
| don't rate your own programs. Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
upcat13.lha        biz/dbase   64K  92+A disk catalog program.
Voodoo-1.103.lha   comm/mail  424K   2+Very nice GUI MIME E-Mail reader for
E-MailMosaic.lha   comm/tcp    23K   7+To get & put E-Mail with Mosaic
ar401.lha          docs/mags   66K   1+Amiga Report 4.01, January 16, 1996
AmigaFAQg.lha      docs/misc  489K   5+Amiga: H ufig gestellte Fragen ( 5.0
ParrotIsland.lha   game/demo  761K   4+Very great adventure like Monkey Isl
tritus_demo.lha    game/demo  213K   7+Superb 3-player Tetris Clone
JTEWorms.lha       game/misc   54K   6+4 Custom Maps for Worms
argus.lha          game/shoot 357K  16+Fast with lots of weapon powerups.
xanimwin003.lha    gfx/show    34K   3+MUI based GUI for XAnim
MagiC64.lha        misc/emu   286K   1+The fastest C64 emulator for Amiga V
SteveHeadroom.lha  misc/misc  1.0M   4+Random talking head, needs 2M chip r
SoundBox22.lha     mus/misc   122K  12+Converts soundfiles and plays 14 bit
viva-amiga.lha     pix/imagi  300K   8+Pro-Amiga Imagine raytrace - VIVA AM
Repack3_4.lha      util/arc    27K   3+Update of the best ->LZX repacker, G
uuxt31.lha         util/arc   109K  27+The Best UUcoder with full WB suppor
Remind1.52.lha     util/cdity  55K  20+Never forget an important event agai
scrwiz11.lha       util/cdity  68K  42+Small,configurable public screen man
Index2GuideV13.lha util/conv   14K   5+AmiNets Index/Recent -> AmigaGuide V
PGPtoGUIV2.0e.lha  util/crypt  36K   2+A GUI for PGP. V2.0e-english-languag
XPKDT-1.0B.lha     util/dtype  14K   9+DataType for XPK compressed files
ReqToolsUsr.lha    util/libs  156K   2+ReqTools 2.4 - the requester toolkit
Executive.lha      util/misc  527K   9+UNIX-like task scheduler (V1.30)
GrabKick.lha       util/misc    3K   2+Copy KICKSTART-ROM to a file V1.7
snoopdos30.lha     util/moni  128K  71+System monitor, many new features ad
VZ_II126.lha       util/virus 160K   6+VirusZ v1.26 by Georg H rmann
TimeConnect.lha    comm/misc   85K   0+Phone Call coster/logger with MUI
AmigaFAQ.lha       docs/misc  468K   5+Amiga: Frequently asked questions  5
FOV_3Ddemo.lha     game/demo  389K  13+Breathless Demo.


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