(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
The Pentatrator
The specs on the Pentatrator, the new Pentium "bridgeboard" emulator for
the Amiga. Thanks to the many people who sent these spec sheets in...
The Pentium card:
PCI ISA architecture, compatible with PICMG standard,
132 MB/sec PCI-Bus transfer, Up to 4 extra Master PCI external cards,
CPU: Pentium 75-166 MHz
Cache Ram: 256Kb to 1MB,
Ram: up to 128 MB
Bios: 1x27C010 EPROM with Award BIOS,
PC/104: 1 for PC/104 module
Clock: Dallas/batterie,
Storage: Floppy controller 2XFDD, IDE interface for 2 Harddisks
Flash-ROM-Disk: 360 Kb Flash or 1.44 MB Eprom-Disk, bootable,
Multi I/O Chip set: SMC-FDC-37C665 all I/O Setup in BIOS,
2 X RS-232 High-Speed 16C550 compatible (COM1, COM2)
1 X PS2 compatible Bi-Directional Paralell Port with EPP/ECP functions
(MS-HP Mod.)
WatchDog-Timer: 1-220 seconds.
Mouse port: PS/2 or RS-232,
Keyboard: PS/2
The Shuttle: 2 x Vide Buses, 8 x ZorroIII buses(5 of them clean DMA), 6
PC-ISA buses, EPS bus for 8 more ZorroIII buses.
Eagle Computer Products
Altenbergstrasse 7
D-71549 Auenwald
Phone: Int. +49 (0) 7191-53773 / 59028
Telefax: Int. +49 (0) 7191-59057
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