(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
National Amiga Canada
N A T I O N A L A M I G A C A N A D A * NEW * USED * ODD *
National Amiga is a small mailorder company based in Ontario Canada. The main
thing we want to do is help out other Amiga owners and give them a place to
find out about and purchase Amiga products.
National Amiga does most of it's business over the internet. We have a World
Wide Web site that contains our full catalog along with information on many of
the products we sell and support. Something is added almost on a daily basis.
Don't see it? Ask! We actually LOOK for things all over the world.
Not only does our web site contain prices, but it also contains links to other
Amiga related sites. Our Technical Information page has jumper settings,
diagrams, specs, and how-to-do it sections. It's growing all the time and has
become quite popular for many FAQ's!
Hard-Drives * 3.1 Kits * Networking * RAM * CD-ROMs * Cables * Accelerators
Chips * Mice * Graphics Cards * Software * We BUY and SELL!
* Email us to be put on our weekly up-date list containing specials
* on new and used products!
* Don't have email access? Call for our current print catalog!
1229 Marlborough Ct. #1401 Email: IRC: NAN (_NAN)
Oakville, Ontario
L6H3B6 CANADA Phone: (905) 845-1949 Fax: (905) 845-3295
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