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Bandits on the Information Superhighway

SEBASTOPOL, CA (14 March 1996): O'Reilly & Associates, one of the leading
publishers in the computer field, has just released a new book, "Bandits on
the Information Superhighway," by Daniel J.  Barrett.  Known in the Amiga
community for his BLAZEMONGER humor series, Dan has now turned his
attention to a more serious topic: Internet risks.

"The online risks you hear about on the evening news, like pornography,
bomb-making, and child abductions, are extremely over-hyped," said Barrett,
"and most users will never be harmed by them.  'Bandits' is a practical
book: a guide to street smarts on the Net.  It describes how to identify
and avoid common risks that any Internet user is likely to encounter, like
privacy issues, 'make Money Fast' schemes, deceptive advertising, safe
buying and selling in the misc.forsale newsgroups, and online trust."

Other topics covered include pranks, hoaxes, electronic junk mail,
spamming, the "Net pornography" scare, and Internet romance.  "Bandits"
also explains what to do if you get ripped off on the Net: how to locate
and contact postmasters and domain administrators, and what organizations
exist to help victims.  The final chapter speculates on the future of
Internet risks, tapping the expertise of six long-time Internet
participants (including fellow Amigan Mike Meyer).

"Bandits" is written for a general audience and is the third book in
O'Reilly's new "What You Need To Know" series.  All books in the series are
designed for browsability -- just open anywhere and start reading.  In
addition, tips and anecdotes from experienced users are sprinkled
throughout the text.  (There's even a subtle BLAZEMONGER reference or two.)

Bandits (246 pages, ISBN 1-56592-156-9) is priced at $17.95 (US) and
available at many bookstores, or direct at 800-998-9938 or 707-829-0515. 
To read a free, sample chapter, visit the Bandits web site at


Book reviews can be found at


Questions?  Email nuts@ora.com, or Dan Barrett at dbarrett@ora.com.


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