(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
JAM Merges with Em
PRESS RELEASE: 29/2/1996
To All:
Just Amiga Monthly, known as JAM, has been taken over by LH Publishing,
publishers of the Amiga DTP magazine Em. The details of this takeover are
as follows:
Approx 3 to 4 weeks ago, Jeff Walker, founder publisher of the subscription
magazine Just Amiga Monthly, (JAM), asked LH Publishing (publishers of Em
magazine and run by Larry Hickmott) to take over ownership of the magazine
JAM. LH Publishing have agreed.
The deal made was simple. The ownership of JAM, formerly with Bookmark
Publishing was to be transfered to LH Publishing in return for LH
Publishing agreeing to honour the current outstanding subscriptions.
It is LH Publishing`s view that the Amiga needs a subscription based
magazine to publish the type of information currently ignored by the glossy
magazines. Since November of 1994, LH Publishing has already been
successful in building up a large customer base for its own magazine Em.
By taking on Jam, that user base has doubled.
The cost of the deal is simply the amount of money it will cost LH
Publishing to continue honouring the outstanding subscriptions from JAM
subscribers. This is expected to to fall over the long term, providing
support for the magazine continues. NO money has been exchanged between
Bookmark publishing and LH Publishing.
The format of both the magazines Em and JAM will therefore change to cut
costs while still providing a worthwhile service to the Amiga community.
The magazine Em will now carry the JAM logo on the cover in respect for the
subscribers of JAM. The content of the magazine will, it is expected,
evolve over the next few months to reflect a balance between desktop
publishing (from Em) to other more wide ranging Amiga subjects that are
normally covered by JAM.
The next issue of Em (number 9) (carrying the JAM logo), is due out in the
next week or so and is going to press on Monday. With the taking on of
JAM, LH Publishing is hoping that it can now concentrate on publishing the
magazine and therefore produce the magazine on a monthly basis.
All the JAM subscribers on the database given to LH Publishing (as well as
Em subscribers), will be sent a copy of the next issue of EM, and in which
the situation will be explained more fully.
LH Publishing can only provide answers to questions about the future of JAM
and Em together. It cannot answer questions about JAM previous to February
of this year. The last issue of JAM was 58.
Head publisher at LH Publishing, Larry Hickmott, is a former editor of JAM,
prior to issue 41, and is open to suggestions and contributions from
current subscribers as well as interested parties.
Anyone wanting further information on JAM or Em, can email LH Publishing
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