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Lazarus Engineering Corporation

      Ottawa, Ontario * (613) 798-3617 * Fax: (613) 798-6923

Date:    April 15, 1996
Contact: Lynda Harju
         v: (613) 798-3617, f: (613) 798-6923,
         e: lazarus@achilles.net

Lazarus Engineering Corporation Secures Amiga Intellectual Property

Ottawa, Ontario - Lazarus Engineering Corporation would like to announce
that it's tender to purchase the Intellectual Property assets of the former
Wonder Computers Inc.  has been accepted by their trustees in bankruptcy.

Commercial software products included with the transaction include:
DesignWorks, PowerManager, Flow, QuickWrite, Profonts, WordMaker, Mac2Dos,
Dos2Dos and Disk2Disk.  Commercial hardware products included the KB-10
IBM-Amiga keyboard protocol converter.  All other intellectual property
including unfinished software and hardware projects, marketing materials,
commercial graphics, in-house as well as out-sourced developed utilities,
and production stock were also included in the transaction.

Mr.  Steve R.  Cockwell, President and CEO of Lazarus Engineering, has
renewed his committment to the Amiga platform with this acquisition.  "Our
strength is in the people around us.  From our talented engineers,
technical writers, graphic artists, and support staff to the customers
around the world that have shown us their support through the EMails, Faxes
and letters that we have received in the past few months.  It takes an
entire community to make a company like this possible, and we are proud to
say that we are a part of the one called Amiga."

Mr.  Cockwell also noted that production will soon begin again for Lazarus
Engineering's newest commercial products: KB-10 and DesignWorks 2.0, and
that a special promotion for these will be announced shortly.

Lazarus Engineering Corporation was founded in 1993 by Steve R.  Cockwell,
a long-time veteran of Corel Corporation in Ottawa, Ontario.  The company
can be reached for comment about any of the above information during
regular office hours (8:30 to 17:00 EST, Monday to Friday) or via EMail at
the above address.


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