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Chris's Button Strip v2.0


Chris's Button Strip (CBS)




Christopher Schnurr

Email : cjs@icbl.hw.ac.uk
Snail : Sandstich
Combe Lane
Widemouth Bay


CBS is a set of three button strips for Final Writer which cover most
aspects of HTML editing.  Using Final Writer's User extendable menus and
button strips, a number of Arexx scripts have been written to allow both
point and click and keyboard short cuts to the most used HTML web designing


NWYSIWYG (NearlyWYSIWYG) viewing as editing : centered text is centered,
italic text is italicised, headings are larger, etc..

o Keyboard and menu shortcuts
o intelligent cursor and code positioning
o Automatic list and table generation systems
o 40 most common HTML codes in Arexx code (incl. tables & forms)
o Equivalent text clips for use without Arexx
o additional 20 customisable textclips 
o transparent saves to Ascii .html
o use of HTML3.0 templates
o different colours / fonts for HTML code
o Source code of macros is not compiled or encrypted :)
o fully documented in HTML format


CBS requires:

* Final Writer R3 or above with Arexx support (for greatest benefit)
(Final Writer Lite is untested but should work.)

* ARexx (bundled with Workbench 2.04 and above.)

* 217k of disk space (including html-ised documentation)

* No special memory requirements (apart from running Final Writer)


- WWW - http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/~cjs/cbs/index.html
- Most Aminet sites. Examples of which are:
  USA: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/text/misc/cbsv16.lha
  EUR: ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/aminet/text/misc/cbsv16.lha


This editing suite is Chocware.  To register, send chocolate particular to
your home country.  Once registered you will receive Version 2.0 and free
further updates. 

Example Fees:
Mint Hershey Bar (US)
Dark Chocolate (Belgium)
Viennese Truffles(Austria)
Small Thorntons bag(UK)
Irish Cadbury's product(EIRE/NI)


The unregistered version is freely distributable if done in a non-
commercial way.  It is *NOT* to be distributed on magasine coverdisks or
similar without the owner's explicit written consent.  The registered
version is *NOT* freely distributable.

This suite of programs is copyright 1995, 96 by Christopher Schnurr.


To encourage users to register (I'm hungry), version 1.6 has only the Arexx
macros for button strip 1.  This does however include most of the commonly
used HTML codes, except for those needed for tables or forms.  Version2.0
has three button strips and approximately 60 different functions involved
in web authoring.


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