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OctaMED and high-resolution sampling

Press Info Regarding OctaMED Soundstudio and sampling with Aura

We have been inundated for requests by purchasers of the HiSoft Aura card
for info on just why samples taken via Aura<>OctaMED V6 are no where near
as good as if they are taken via the Aura's own software that is supplied
with the card itself.

Now allthough we are still, even at this late stage, attempting to sort
this anomaly out prior to it's release, we do have some good news for
everybody, especialy those that are still only considering purchasing the
Aura card and also Amiga owners that have an A4000 but cannot afford the
hefty prices for Soundcards.

Due to some very clever programing by it's author, Teijo Kinnunen, OctaMED
Soundstudio V1 is now capable of playing mods and samples *directly*
through the Paula chip in 14bit quality thanks to the new mix routines in
this latest version.

It will also enable old 8bit mods to be loaded, mixed and resaved in the
new 14bit mode.

For info on just how it is completed, just read the latest info that is
available from our WWW Site.  You can also download the last "beta" Demo
and try it yourselves.


   RBF Software


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