(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Instant CGFX
Call For Participation:
The CyberGraphics ScreenMode Definition Library
Most CybgerGraphics users spend hours in generating usable screenmodes
for their monitor and often new CGFX users ask if someone can send them
a screenmode definiton file.
Motivated by other cybergraphics users I'm trying to build up a
library containing screenmode definition files.
If *YOU* want to help building up the library then please follow the
steps below and upload your definition file.
If there is enough response to my call I make the archive public
available via FTP/WWW.
(Please note that I have _NO_ commercial intention regarding the library!)
- Create a LHA-archive containing your screen-mode definition file.
(To find out the name of your current definition file, use the command
"type ENV:Cybergraphics/*Monitor". The output will look like
"Monitor-57KHz". This file can be found in the subdirectory in your
"ENV:Cybergraphics" directory. For a CyberVision card this would
look like "ENV:Cybergraphics/CyberVision/Monitor-57KHz".
Simply add this file to the LHA-archive.)
Important: DO NOT ADD the monitorfile itself, but only the
definition file.
- Choose an approriate name for your archive (and readme)
that reflects the brand and type of your monitor,
eg. "nec4fg.lha"/"nec4fg.readme" or "philips15b.lha"/"philips15b.readme"
(Only one file per archive!)
- Create a .readme file with the following layout:
Monitor: <the name an the type of your monitor>
Bandwidth: <the bandwith of your _monitor_>
H-Freq: <horizontal frequency of your monitor>
V-Freq: <vertical frequency of your monitor>
Card: <your graphiccard, eg. CyberVision 64
Memory: <the memory of your _GRAPHIC_card>
Modes: <OPTIONAL: an overview of the supported screenmodes
of your monitorfile>
Uploader <_your_ email-address and name, in case of questions>
(check 'CVMode' for bandwidth, h-freq, v-freq and mode values!)
Here is an example (for my monitorfile):
Monitor: NEC MultiSync 4FG
Bandwith: 75MHz
H-Freq: 27-57kHz
V-Freq: 50-90Hz
Card: Cybervision 64
Memory: 4MB
Modes: 256: 320x240, 640x256, 640x480, 640x512, 768x680, 800x600
912x708, 1024x768, 1120x900, 1280x1024, 1600x1200
64k: 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 912x708, 1024x768, 1120x900
16M: 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 912x708, 1024x768, 1104x800
Uploader: (Lars Eilebrecht)
- Upload both files into the "/incoming" directory of
the ftp-server "".
- and last but not least, send a mail to ""
including the name of your upload!
(Please use "CGFX: <filename>" as the subject of your mail!)
Spend 5 minutes of your time and help new CGFX users to save 5 hours...
If you have any questions or comments, please respond to
Lars Eilebrecht (
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