(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
EnPrint 2.1
Endicor Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 29000 #355
San Antonio, TX 78229-0999
(Please note: this address will change within the next two months,
but will remain valid for the next year. Please watch our Web site
listed below for our new address, which has yet to be determined)
(210) 650-4988 Phone
(210) 650-0054 FAX
(210) 650-4365 BBS -- Information requests -- Orders
Ty Sarna (
This is a standard Amiga printer driver with an additional
printing program for the Stylus Color inkjet printers from Epson,
including the II, IIs, and Pro. The printer features resolutions
from 180x180 dpi to 720x720 dpi, with optional MicroWeave printing
(an Epson feature that uses overlapping passes to reduce banding),
Optimized Black Mode (on the Stylus II model only), and Small Dot
mode (for the II, IIs and Pro models). The driver also implements
horizontal and vertical whitespace stripping, as well as Epson
compression mode 2 ("TIFF v4.0 packbits mode") to minimize the amount
of data that must be sent to the printer and improve printing speed.
EnPrint 2.x is based on a totally new portable 24 bit printing
engine developed by Endicor instead of the standard Amiga 12 bit
printing engine. This allows advanced user-accessible controls for
gamma, intensity range, color correction, a wide selection of
dithering options, color-to-grey conversion formula, and much more.
The preferences driver has been updated to use this engine,
providing all of these capabilities to all applications. Also
included is a printing program that uses the printing engine
directly, providing full 24 bit printing capability even to users who
do not have other software that supports 24 bit printing. The
printing program also features reduced memory usage, allowing large,
high-resolution prints even on systems with very little memory.
Note that printing time depends greatly on the application used,
processing speed of the computer, and amount of data in a given
Built in calibration utility.
User adjustable Time-Out control.
Full 24 bit printing support.
Completely user-controllable gamma and range adjustments for full
control over brightness and contrast.
Three modes of color correction: adjustable in terms of RGB, CMY,
or Y in M/M in C. The latter produces the best results as it most
closely models the inaccuracies of printing inks. These modes are
also completely adjustable.
In greyscale mode, complete user control over the color-to-grey
conversion process, plus three convenient preset configurations for
the NTSC, HDTV, and equal-parts formulas.
In B&W (thresholding) mode, the threshold is fully adjustable
over an 8-bit intensity range, rather than Preference's 4 bit range.
Sixty Five dither modes. Sixty Two are matrix dithers (many
sizes and varieties of ordered, halftone, bricks, diamonds, etc.,
providing a lot of "special effect" options), plus Random Threshold
and two Floyd-Steinberg algorithmic dithers.
Flexible configuration scheme: The system works in terms of
configurations. A configuration consists of settings for resolution,
dither, mode (MicroWeave, Optimized Black, Small Dot, etc.), color
correction, gamma, etc. The Preferences editor allows for seven
configurations corresponding to the 7 density options. Thus any
density can be chosen to be any configuration of resolution, mode,
dither, and corrections that the user wants. Additional
configurations can be loaded and saved . The printing program also
keeps a separate configuration. Configurations are edited with a
friendly GUI configuration editor.
Preferences driver supports printing HAM-8 and 7/8 bit modes on
AGA machines in all their glory, plus 12 bit single-CLUT style like
FinalWriter(TM) and others use.
Preferences driver is smart about the true paper dimensions. It
should handle all of the standard paper sizes correctly, plus if
given enough maneuvering room, it will truly center the image on the
paper, rather than centering within the printable area like the
previous version and other standard Workbench drivers.
Context-sensitive online AmigaGuide help. All documentation can
also be brought up from within the program itself.
Printing Program: Allows users to load pictures in IFF format
(supports HAM-8, EHB, 24 bit, even Dynamic-HAM and Dynamic-HiRes),
operate on them (rotate/flip, invert, etc.), size and position them,
and print them. Any picture (even 24 bit) can be printed on any
Amiga. There is no conversion to HAM or HAM-8 to cause loss of
quality -- it's 24 bit all the way through when using the printing
The printing program also includes a module that can generate
pictures in 10 different modes, as an alternative to loading IFFs.
Modes include things like user-selectable solid colors, color
gradients, two kinds of color bars, and a hue/saturation "wheel".
These modes are useful for calibrating color correction,
gamma/lo/high, and for examining the effect of different dithers
over ranges of intensity/color. An additional mode is a Workbench
screen capture.
There is support for output spooling and multiple print copies.
A hard disk is required with a minimum space free of about 2
meg. More is required for using the printing program on large
pictures, and lots when using output buffering or multicopy support
because it must store the complete printer output generated. This can
be up to 20 megs a page at 720dpi full color, though the compression
usually keeps it to about 12-16 megs or so. Only enough storage for
one page at a time is needed, however. Using this method, a minimum
amount of RAM required at the expense of the higher disk space
EnPrint 2.1 is a free update for registered owners of EnPrint v2.0
or Epson Stylus Color Printer Driver version 1.2, 1.1 or 1.0. You
may get an upgrade in one of three ways:
By email: Email to with your name and serial
number and a request for an upgrade, and we'll email EnPrint
2.0 back to you. Ask for details.
From our BBS: We now offer product support on our BBS, The
Flying Circus, at phone number +1-210-650-4365. You will be
asked for your product serial number when you first log on and
then receive access to the support area after verification
(usually within 24 hours). Once you have access to the
Endicor area you can download updates.
Send us $4.00: If you wish to have a new 2.1 disk shipped to
you, send a check for US$4 to our address above with a note
requesting EnPrint 2.1 and include your serial number and
address. The $4 covers the cost of the disk plus shipping.
Workbench 2.04 or higher. (3.0 and later required for some
Hard Disk Drive with Min 2 meg free (20 meg free recommended).
An Epson Stylus Color series printer.
The driver takes advantage of Stylus Color features not present on
older ESC-P2 printers, such as compression mode 2 (packbits).
Because of this it will not work on previous (800, 300, 1000, etc)
Stylus printer models.
US$44.95 List Price
Sales Tax:
In San Antonio, Texas: 7.75% ($3.48)
Elsewhere in Texas: 6.25% ($2.81)
Outside Texas: Endicor does not collect sales tax for
out-of-state purchases.
Outside the US: see our Distributors list below.
EnPrint is also availible through many national Amiga stores in the
US, including Safe Harbor, Software Hut, etc.
In the US: US Mail, UPS Blue and Red
Canada: Postal Mail, Global Priority Mail (3-5 Days)
Outside US: Postal Mail, or see Distributors below.
For a complete discussion of shipping methods and rates, please
see our web page or email
Payment: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, COD.
There is an additional US$5 charge for COD.
We can also offer electronic delivery for prepaid orders (check,
money order, credit card or bank draft) in which case there is no
shipping charge. International orders may wish to use electronic
delivery to save on shipping. Please email us for details.
When ordering by mail or email please include: Name, shipping
address, postal or email address, phone number, payment information,
and method of delivery. If you include an Internet or FidoNet email
address, we can use it to notify you of updates rather than using
traditional mail.
Dealers in North American may order the product direct from us or
through MicroPace distributors.
Individuals and dealers in Europe can order through our European
Eyetech Group Ltd.
The Old Bank
12 West Green
North Yorks
Direct line Phone: +44 (0) 1642 713 185
FAX: +44 (0) 1642 713 634
Individuals and dealers in New Zealand can order through our New
Zealand distributor:
54 Glasgow Street
New Zealand
Phone/FAX: (06) 343-2699
Copyright (c) 1994-96 Endicor Technologies, Inc. All Rights
Reserved. EnPrint(TM) is a trademark of Endicor Technologies, Inc.
Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.
Stylus is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.
AmigaGuide,, amigaguide.library (c)
Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.
Other brand and product names may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
This is commercial software.
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