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Aminet Charts: 22-Jul-96

| The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 22-Jul-96
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
FastIPrefs4028.lha util/boot   31K   0+FastIPrefs 40.28 & FastWBPattern 40.
PictDT43.lha       util/dtype 260K   0+Picture.datatype V43.753 for AGA/CGr
VoyView.lha        comm/www    11K   1+A file Viewer/Player for Voyager. V1
megafloppy.lha     disk/misc   18K   0+Save 1120 kb on a floppy !! BETA
MPEGIntuition.lha  gfx/show   175K   0+Ver 2.4 MPEG with SOUND (GUI 4 mp &
mwm108.lha         comm/www   122K   0+Magic Web Maker v1.08.
TheHuntIsOn.lzh    game/shoot 338K   1+New 3D Maze Game for All Amigas
amicdfs231.lha     disk/cdrom 123K   0+AmiCDFS (AmiCDROM) v2.31
CedFix.lha         biz/patch    3K   0+A patch for CED 3.5c & CGraphX
CheckMMU.lha       util/moni    2K   0+Checks if your CPU really has an MMU
FX111.lha          util/wb     72K   0+Workbench Soundeditor, supports up t
VT2.86.lha         util/virus 793K   0+V2.86 of the famous Viruskiller by H
Pseudokick.lha     util/boot    3K   0+A powerful Kickstart loader
MacWB.lha          util/boot   66K   0+The successor of WB95 conquers the W
ShShSurvey.lha     misc/emu     3K   0+Shapeshifter-Survey,PLEASE ANSWER
qlib-v100.lha      util/wb     31K   0+Show Ver/Rev of DTypes,Classes,Libs
AnimInWindow.lha   gfx/show    38K   0+A animation player in window
IBrowseButtons.lha comm/www     3K   0+IBrowse replacement Navigation/Pictu

| The highest rated programs during the week until 22-Jul-96
| Updated weekly. Best program on top. Please rate all the programs you
| download. To do so, send to aminet-server@wuarchive.wustl.edu :
| RATE <path> <num>
| where <path> is the file you want to judge and <num> is a mark from 0..10
| with 10 being the best. You can rate several programs in one mail, but
| don't rate your own programs. Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
SneechV1_5.lha     game/2play 390K  18+NEW Vers of *THE BEST* Multi Snake G
Base64Coders.lha   comm/mail   10K   3+Fast base64 (MIME) decoder/encoder. 
MagiC64.lha        misc/emu   284K   2+The fastest C64 emulator for Amiga V
AlgoMusic1_6.lha   mus/misc   654K   3+Plays great algorithmic techno tunes
AWeb.lha           biz/demo   436K   1+AWeb 1.2b DEMO, limited features
Morton.lha         game/demo  430K   4+Cute but tricky platformer
amimsx23.lha       misc/emu   266K   4+Great MSX/MSX2 emulator for Amiga Co
GMPlay12_Upd.lha   mus/midi    25K   3+GMPlay update V1.1 -> V1.2
Executive.lha      util/misc  527K  34+UNIX-like task scheduler (V1.30)
ar409.lha          docs/mags   82K   2+Amiga Report Magazine, June 30, 1996
NH32P1v2.lha       game/role  1.0M   2+Official Amiga Nethack 3.2.1 binarie
metaview.lha       gfx/conv    35K   8+MetaFileViewer-Convert AMF,WMF to CG
GMPlay12.lha       mus/midi   1.4M   3+Plays MIDI-Files with your Amiga (02
aplay211.lha       mus/play   589K   2+APlayer - An allround Amiga music pl
Esprita4000.lha    pix/back    33K   4+Incredible 800x600 8-colour WB backd
Heil95.lha         pix/misc    18K   7+A new true Win 95 logo. Heil Bill!
mcx255.lha         util/cdity  75K   2+Multi Function Commodity
mcxp318.lha        util/cdity  72K   2+MUI Preferences for MultiCX
YAM12.lha          comm/mail  135K  18+MUI Internet mailer for AmiTCP
AmiFTP-1.607.lha   comm/tcp   271K   2+Easy to use GUI FTP client for OS 2.
xtrdem2a.lha       game/demo  482K   6+XTreme Racing Demo2, including new V
AmFTP153.lha       comm/tcp   196K  19+AmFTP - ftp/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Clie
Testament1.lha     game/demo  693K   1+Preview of 3D action game. AGA only.
navpro.lha         gfx/3d     128K   4+Visualiser of the Navigator VR Rende
MKL_Match.lha      pix/art    108K   3+Great picture of a flaming match by
Visage.lha         gfx/show   168K   2+Picture viewer for OS 3.0+. V39.9
killhappy.lha      util/virus  11K   5+Removes the "Happy New Year 96" viru
shocon12a.lha      comm/tcp     6K   4+Displays hardware config. to remote


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