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VIScorp Amiga Acquisition

VIScorp News: July 24, 1996

Chicago, IL
July 24, 1996
Permission Granted to Distribute without Alteration

VIScorp Proceeds with Amiga Acquisition

On Thursday, the 18th of July, 1996, the final contract of purchase was
signed between the bankruptcy trustee solicitor, Bernhard Hembach, and the
president and CEO of VIScorp, William Buck, with approval of the 'pool of
banks' for the entire remaining inventory and intellectural property.

Until the 18th of August, 1996, VIScorp has time to establish the necessary
companies to carry on with its current business.  In the meantime, the
business will be run with the approval of the bankruptcy trustee Hembach
under the name AMICA Technologies GmbH i.K.  From the 19th of August, 1996,
the business will finally be run under the name, control and ownership of

Contact: Florine Radulovic, Director of Communications, VIScorp

At the Financial Relations Board
Contact: Ted Gage, General Information
Contact: Bess Gallanis, Media


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