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Agnus WWW Search Tool

The Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group
P.O. Box 716
Champaign, IL 61824-0716

Contact: cucug@cucug.org

CUCUG Announces the Ultimate Amiga WWW Search Tool

August 4, 1996 - The Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group (CUCUG)
announced today the debut of its new Amiga Internet searching tool dubbed
"Agnes" available in conjunction with its popular "Amiga Web Directory"
World Wide Web site at http://www.cucug.org/amiga.html.  Agnes allows users
to search for over one thousand Amiga-oriented Web sites and more using
flexible keyword matching.

According to CUCUG, one of the many major improvements over other Web
searching utilities is that the description data contained CUCUG's database
of Web sites is written by humans, not just sampled from the first few
lines of the site's text.  This reduces the number of false "hits" and
increases the accuracy of searching according to Kevin Hisel, CUCUG's Amiga
webmaster.  Search results are also much easier to understand and displayed
more quickly than other search tools.

>From one page, Amiga WWW surfers can call on Agnes to:

* Search for more than 1,000 Amiga Web sites using data which is far
  more accurate than "crawler" type search tools. Sites are
  regularly checked and updated meaning less "404 Not Found" errors
  and new sites are added daily.

* Search CUCUG's full-text database of Amiga News including press
  releases, product announcements, news items, show reports and
  other Amiga developments.

* Search the entire, full-text archives of all Amiga Report Magazine
  issues released since January of 1995.

* Search the full-text archives of Amiga Product Reviews posted in
  the comp.sys.amiga.reviews Usenet news group. More than 400
  product reviews are housed in CUCUG's huge archive.

* Search all issues of CUCUG's own Status Register user-group
  newsletter which contains news, computer hints and tips, how-tos
  and information about CUCUG.

* As a last resort, there is an option to query all of the above
  areas in one massive search operation. Users should allow extra
  time for this monster search to complete.

"We've put together the world's most effective Web search mechanism for
Amiga fans.  If it's Amiga and it's on the Web, we're pretty confident that
Agnes can find it," Hisel said, referring to the all-encompassing
capabilities of the new service.

The URL for CUCUG's Agnes search tool is

CUCUG, The Amiga Web Directory, Agnes and the Agnes character are all
service marks of the Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group.  Amiga is a
registered trademark of Visual Information Services Corporation (VIScorp).


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