(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Amiga Legacy Magazine
Amiga Legacy Magazine
Legacy is the new FREE Amiga magazine for North America!
The impending launch of Amiga Legacy heralds in a new age in Amiga
publishing, with a new way to deliver news and information to today's
savvy Amiga professionals and enthusiasts. Legacy is a fresh concept
for the Amiga community -- up to date coverage of the fascinating
journey of the Amiga computer, without any cost to the reader.
Legacy will provide you with a new outlet for reaching your valued
customer base. By becoming a SPONSOR or an ADVERTISER, you'll be more
than just a client of a publication -- you'll be an important part of
a valuable resource.
As a Sponsor, you will be guaranteed preferential advertising space and
special Sponsor advertising rates. Sponsors provide Amiga Legacy with
their mailing list of Amiga customers. These customers will receive
Amiga Legacy for free, and will see that their favorite Amiga companies
have joined in the Legacy effort. The mailing lists will be treated
with confidentiality. Legacy Sponsors will be entitled to addresses of
Amiga customers as our mailing list grows, allowing you to build your
list even as you reach customers with information on new products and
exciting opportunities!
As an Advertiser, you will play an important role in providing funds
for Legacy's publication. Your ads will reach the active, purchase-
minded Amiga public of North America. Special promotional cooperations,
such as mini-edition reprints of Amiga Legacy articles profiling your
products, are also available.
Here is just some of what Amiga Legacy will have to offer its readers --
all made possible by you, our Sponsors and Advertisers:
REVIEWS - Trial by fire of Amiga accessories, software, et al.
GAME SHOP - Breakneck gameplay from all around the world
CLONEWATCH - Draco, the Ed, Phase5 and PIOS: all members of the
Amiga Legacy
THIS OLD AMIGA - Breathe new fire into vintage Amigas
THE ONLINE LEGACY - Buzz through Amiga online, hot Aminet titles, Web
tools, and URLs signed "Love, Amiga"
NEWS - Harnessing the wild colt of Amiga development and releases
AT THE WORKBENCH - Liberate the Amiga's four-color grey Workbench
FEATURES - Amiga luminaries speak and coverage of Amiga gala events
TUTORIALS - To edify and educate from the hallowed halls of Legacy U
THE FUN PAGE - YACFD (Yet Another Caffeine Fueled Distraction)
Ahhh... Unwind with Amiga puzzles and games
INTERESTED in becoming part of the Legacy?
( ) YES! Send me more information about becoming a SPONSOR for Amiga
Legacy. The mailing list we would be able to supply is _____ strong.
( ) YES! Send me more information about becoming an ADVERTISER in
Amiga Legacy.
( ) I think I can contribute to Amiga Legacy in another way: ________
Please include a business card and/or other contact information, and send
responses to:
Legacy Publishing
1801 W. Greenleaf Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626-2303
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