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E-Cash On The Net

                             E-Cash On The Net
  Maximo Lachman                                di540@freenet.carleton.ca

There`s only 1 system that works - Minitel.  That`s since the French PTT
had their own bank, as well as phone system.  They are completely
self-contained.  Any other solution needs too much co-ordination between
disparate entities, which means either poor security or high transaction
costs.  What would work better is a worldwide COD system, similar to what
UPS uses in the US.  They charge $5 per transaction, which isn`t bad since
they ship for less than the Post Office.  Although UPS does ship worldwide,
they won`t send COD,at least for now.  Perhaps they need to team up with
American Express to handle the foreign exchange aspect. 


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