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    compt.sys.editor.desk                          By:  Jason Compton 

Well, well, well.  It's starting to feel like home again, this whole "no
Amiga sale resolution, wait until next week" routine.

Another week has closed without any solid resolution of the Amiga deal.
Still we hear companies claiming that they are still in the running, now
Petro Tyschtschenko has been quoted in e-mail as telling people he hopes to
have lots of good news next week, and still we wait.

The February 28th "well, we'd like to have it done by this date" has of
course been and gone.  Hembach's US lawyer has little he wants to
discuss--because he's smart enough not to let himself get dragged into the
public abuse arena.  The same goes for the companies who are rumored to be
involved in the running but have not stepped forward.  Much as it
frustrates users and journalists alike, it's better for the interests of
the company involved to keep their mouth shut and go about their business
until they have something real to talk about.

So, those of us on the front lines continue to watch, and try to keep
abreast of the rest of the market as it evolves.  The Gateway Amiga show in
St. Louis, USA was a resounding success, and the upcoming shows in
Scandinavia and the UK this spring look like they'll be just as vibrant.
Innovative products are still pouring forth--a developer PPC board was at
the Gateway show, and in this issue we profile three high-speed
accelerators for A3000/4000 machines, as well as two new graphics cards.
Not too bad, eh?

Phase5 has also announced retail availability in the spring (April/May) for
consumer PowerPC boards, at very competitive pricing.  You have to BYO
68030, 68040, or 68060 (depending on the model) but it's still not bad.
Check the headline news items for more information.

Keep your eyes open!  There's a lot going on out there.  See you again,
hopefully sooner rather than later.  (We're still fighting the clock to get
these things out closer to biweekly, but it's tough...)



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