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Amiga Myst

Mar. 4, 1997.

Dear Amiga users,

We at clickBOOM and PXL computers created Capital Punishment in 1996, the
biggest Amiga game of the year.

At the same time we promised to convert some of the biggest games from
other machines to the Amiga.

We are very proud to announce we have purhased the rights to develop and
publish the Amiga version of MYST !

Myst is a phenomenon - the bestselling CD-ROM game ever, and the
bestselling game of 1996 both on PC and Mac.  But, more importantly, it is
a marvelous game.

This message is just an announcement for Myst.  We will have the official
press release with more information in a couple of days.

Format: CD-ROM only

Hardware: Amiga with a video board (16 million colors) or AGA (256 colors)


Specifications: OS-friendly + multitasking

Release date: Summer

As always, feel free to contact us at clkboom@ican.net
or visit our web site at http://home.ican.net/~clkboom/

Thank you,
clickBOOM and PXL computers

Alexander Petrovic
Pxl computers / clickBOOM Producer


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