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Aminet Charts: 13-Apr-97

| The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 13-Apr-97
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
dtypeslib452.lha   util/libs  130K   1+New datatypes.library, V45.2
VirusZ_II137.lha   util/virus 188K   1+VirusZ v1.37 by Georg Hoermann
AddDataTyps451.lha util/sys    37K   1+New AddDataTypes, V45.1
SoundDT.lha        util/dtype  17K   0+New sound.datatype w/fixes for OS3.0
HTDS.lha           util/dtype 266K   1+HyperText-DataType-System (HTDS) 40.
mpega.lha          mus/play   219K   1+MPEG I,II & III audio decoder V2.2 (
AmiServ.lha        comm/tcp     4K   0+First FServe for use with AmIRC! (2n
New8n1.lha         comm/misc   73K   0+Replaces serial.device.  V37.34
BenchTrash.lha     util/wb     25K   0+Global trashcan 4 WB, w. eject suppo
aagenesp.lha       game/demo  2.9M   0+Vulcans-GENETIC SPECIES 3D Demo V2.0
arcanoid.lha       game/wb     90K   0+"Arkanoid" clone in window version 2
info.lha           comm/cnet   13K  37+Show user Info at login.
ViNCEd.lha         util/shell 287K   0+The final CON: solution, ^Z, XTerm,
infodt391_upd.lha  util/dtype   2K   1+DataType for Amiga .info files
WinSoundv1.2.lha   util/cdity  38K   0+Workbench Sound Commodity v1.2
xfd117.lha         util/pack  137K   1+Decrunch almost every packed file (e
trsivw65.lha       util/virus 609K   0 V6.5 of the AMIGA viruskiller by M.S
MCC_HTMLtext.lha   dev/mui    112K   1+HTMLtext.mcc with Browser (MUI)
HTDS_030.lha       util/dtype  73K   1+HTDS 40.10 datatype binaries for 680

| The highest rated programs during the week until 13-Apr-97
| Updated weekly. Best program on top. Please rate all the programs you
| download. To do so, send to aminet-server@wuarchive.wustl.edu :
| RATE <path> <num>
| where <path> is the file you want to judge and <num> is a mark from 0..10
| with 10 being the best. You can rate several programs in one mail, but
| don't rate your own programs. Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
mui38usr.lha       util/libs  1.0M   8+MagicUserInterface 3.8, user files
Executive.lha      util/misc  1.2M   1+UNIX-like process scheduler (V2.10)
Miami20g.lha       comm/tcp   694K   6+TCP/IP stack for easy Internet acces
pretium.lha        biz/misc   132K   0+Checkbook accounting demo V 1.1
Point_Rock4.lha    demo/mag   602K   3+Issue 4 of a new Hard Rock Amigaguid
Petition.lha       docs/misc    1K   1+Amiga Games Petition
CyberAVI19.lha     gfx/show    76K   3+AVI animation player for CyberGraphX
CyberQT11.lha      gfx/show    74K   3+QuickTime animation player for Cyber
AmigaAnim.lha      pix/anim    67K   3+Amiga Animation for Web Pages
EvenMore036.lha    text/show  112K   0+Font sensative text viewer (BETA)
FastIPrefs4035.lha util/boot   37K   5+FastIPrefs 40.35 & FastWBPattern 40.
SerialPrefs26.lha  util/sys    60K   3+V2.6 - Extended Serial Preferences f
EagleWB.lha        util/wb    237K   2+Eagle pic, 800x600x256, a great WB B
AmIRCsounds.lha    comm/tcp   240K   2+IFF samples to use with AmIRC
Logic.lha          game/think 290K   6+Great Game!
Xtruder33.lha      util/virus 435K   2+Virus killer with extensive checking
WB_BootPic7.lha    pix/boot   362K   4+Workbench Boot Pictures for Amiga OS
AlienF1.lha        game/demo  139K   3+A fast, full texture-mapped F1 Game
MasterMind.lha     comm/cnet    3K  16+Mastermind door for CNet
GuitBust.lha       mods/rock  504K   3+GuitarBusting by T-REX/PRIDE
PowerDrops.lha     mods/sets  434K 187+PT-MODs (1) from Olof Gustafsson
PowerFlops.lha     mods/sets  598K 187+PT-MODs (2) from Olof Gustafsson
SwitchbackMods.lha mods/sets  306K 117+Mods from Rebels Switchback by Chrom
PackDev1_9.lha     util/arc    24K   3+Packs DFx, DHx etc., XPK support, V1
PlayWormDC.lha     game/data   59K   2+A sexy stage for WormsDC =:)
akJFIF43x.lha      util/dtype 212K   1+AkJFIF-dt V43.50 (JPEG, 68000-060)
TimeConnect.lha    comm/misc  174K  42+Phone Call coster/logger with MUI
MCC_HTMLtext.lha   dev/mui    112K   1+HTMLtext.mcc with Browser (MUI)
DOpusXFD.lha       biz/dopus   78K  30+XFD Decruncher for DOpus5 v1.01
STFax.lha          comm/misc  194K   1+STFax 1.302 - Powerful and user-frie


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