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Australian Amiga Gathering 97

[Originally directed at major webmasters, but good information for
everybody. -Jason]

Australian Amiga Gazette, Australia's only 40 page monthly Amiga magazine
is hosting the Australian Amiga Gathering '97.

Since out initial issue in December of 1996 we have found that support for
the Amiga is still strong in Australia.

Because of this we have decided to put together a show.  There has not been
an Amiga show Downunder for a number of years and we feel its time there
was one.

The show will be a two day event scheduled for the weekend of June the 28th
and 29th.

It will be located at the famous Sydney Showground which has been the
location of Sydney's Royal Easter Show for over a hundred years.

The show will not only include dealers, but also feature exhibitions by
Amiga User Groups, demo competitions and a few other surprises.

To show your support we would ask if you could add the html link provided
in this email on to your web-page.

The link will load a 400x40 pixel banner about the show from our homepage
(http://www.pnc.com.au/~mother/expo.html).  This banner will be updated
weekly as preparations for the show progress.

Could you please contact me via my email address (mgruber@fl.net.au) as to
your decision in regards to accepting this link.  This will allow me to
track where the show is being advertised.  Thankyou.

If you have any questions regarding the show do not hesitate to contact me.

Michael Gruber

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