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Amiga News Australiasia Online Excerpts

Amiga News Australiasia Online Excerpts

[Thanks to John Pospisil and ANA
(http://www.ozemail.com.au/~pospisil/amiga.html) for these items.]

Australian Amiga show will go on

Megatron Electronic Industries, an Australian Amiga distributor, has
renewed its commitment to staging an Australian Amiga show.

"We would like to congratulate Petro Tyschtschenko on concluding a deal
that will ensure the future of the Amiga platform for many years to come,"
says Megatron's general manager, Bob Farrow.  "Now the uncertainty has been
lifted, we can all get on with life and support Gateway 2000 and the rest
of the Amiga producers, service agents and dealers in an endeavor to
recapture a market that the Amiga excelled in."

Megatron says it intends to renew its efforts to push the Amiga to the
forefront of the graphics community and will shortly announce the date and
location of the Australian Amiga showcase.  "We hope that now the
uncertainty has been lifted, the Australian dealer network will rally
around Megatron to make the showcase an event to be remembered," says

Interested parties should contact Bob Farrow at Megatron by phone
on (03) 9870 4844 or by e-mail on bob@megatron.com.au


Australian Education Network

The Australian-based Amiga Education Network (TAEN) was established in
response to Commodore Australia's demise (which preceded Commodore
International's demise by a few months) as a means of supporting the Amiga
platform in schools that were using it. 

TAEN hopes that:
o	1997 will see the Amiga rescued.
o The new owners will appreciate the importance of the education sector and
continue to provide a low cost (A1200HD-based) Amiga for this market.

TAEN invites your comments, and hopes to encourage discussion among those
in the Amiga community who still have an interest in using the Amiga in

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