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AAA Awards Announcement

The AAA Awards - You're in the Jury!

Martin Sahlin
Amiga Computer Group
Skolgatan 14
SE-903 22  UMEE

+46-[0]90-139798 (07:00 - 08:00, 16:00 -> CET)


More information: AAA Awards Homepage - http://www.amiga-cg.se/aaaa/

Umee, Sweden - Friday, April 18, 1997.  Amiga Computer Group (ACG), an
amiga user association based in Umee, Sweden, hereby announce the
introduction of the annual ACG Amiga Achievement Awards (the AAA Awards) -
an award program aimed at strengthening the Amiga Community.


The Amiga computer has always been recognized for its devoted users and
developers.  Even after the Commodore bankruptcy in 1994, and also the
ESCOM bankruptcy in 1996, Amiga users are still supporting and using their
favourite system, often with even more intensity than ever before.  There
is great potential in the Amiga Community.  Amiga users are innovative,
both in terms of hardware and software.  The Commodore commercials of 1989
stating "Amiga - A Computer for the Creative Mind" are still valid as ever
before.  However, in times like these, when the future of the Amiga is
somewhat uncertain, all members of the Community need motivation and
inspiration to go on working the Amiga magic.  The Amiga has still so many
boundaries to break, and we all need to work together to show it to the
world.  That's where the AAA Awards come in.  The AAA Awards are intended
to be a source of inspiration and motivation for users, developers and
other people working for and with the Amiga.  The AAA Awards may also be a
source of unification, bringing about groundbreaking international Amiga
projects.  Regard them as the achievement awards of the Amiga Community.

The Awards

The AAA Awards are presented by Amiga Computer Group (ACG), a
non-profit-making Amiga User Association based in Umee, Sweden together
with its associates world-wide.  The AAA Awards logo has been designed by
Bjvrn Hagstrvm (orgin@medio.mh.se), of "AmiTech '97" and "Svenska
AmigaMagazin" logo fame.  The AAA Awards consist of fine hand-written
diplomas with motivation and the honorable official recognition.  The AAA
Awards are divided in two groups: International and National.  The AAA
Award International and the AAA Award Sverige (Sweden) will be handled by
Amiga Computer Group.  Amiga user groups in other countries may apply for
exclusive representation in their own native country.  Please see the AAA
Awards Homepage for more information on this, or contact Amiga Computer
Group by phone or mail.

Everyone is welcome to suggest candidates for the AAA Awards.  If you do
so, please include a brief explanation as to why this person or group of
persons should receive the AAA Award.  Also include your own name and
addresses, as we may want to ask some additional questions.  There are
basically no limits as to who you may suggest.  Private persons, companies,
associations, etc.  The AAA Awards may be presented posthumously, and you
may also suggest yourself.  The criteria for the AAA Awards are very

"The awards should go to he/she/that/those which/who has/have done the
greatest achievement in contributing to the upkeeping of AMIGA.  values
during the past year."

Suggestions for the 1997 AAA Awards will be accepted until January 5th 1998
through the AAA Awards Homepage, e-mail or regular mail.  All suggestions
will be considered by the ACG-appointed jury and its international
associates in early 1998, and three final nominees for each category will
be made official.  Anyone may then vote at the AAA Awards Homepage for the
nominee he/she feels should receive the AAA Award.  This voting period will
span over one month.  Exact dates will be announced at a later time through
the AAA Awards Homepage, Amiga-related newsgroups etc.  ACG and its
associates world-wide will then solemnly announce the AAA Awards Winners

First Winners

The first AAA Awards will be presented at the AmiTech 97 show in Stockholm,
Sweden 25 - 27 April 1997.  This will signify the launching of the awards.
Those awards will be presented for long-term achievement.  The jury has
decided as follows:

AAA Award International

Dave Haynie

"For his contributions to the computer development in general, and a true
commitment to the Amiga platform, bringing a unique personal touch to the
machine.  And of course for being cool."

AAA Award Sverige

Thomas Svenson

"Fvr sin starka drivkraft och entreprenvrsfvrmega i att frdmja Amigans
fortlevnad och utveckling i Sverige."

("For his strong driving force and entrepreneural ability in promoting the
survival and development of the Amiga in Sweden.")


Companies, associations and such that wish to contribute to the AAA Awards
by donations or likewise, may see the AAA Awards Homepage or contact ACG
president Martin Sahlin at martin.sahlen@amiga-cg.se for more information.
We offer great advertising opportunities at the AAA Awards Homepage.


Visit the AAA Awards Homepage and download a AAA Awards Button which you
may include in your own WWW pages.  Please do not refer to the image on our
server at your homepage, since that will result in our server being
over-loaded with requests.


All the latest news regarding the AAA Awards will be made official at the
AAA Awards Homepage.  Please check back regulary, the pages are yet not


The AAA Awards is copyright 1997 Amiga Computer Group.
The AAA Awards logo is copyright 1997 Amiga Computer Group and
Bjvrn Hagstrvm.
The national and international AAA Awards are
copyright 1997 Amiga Computer Group.

AMIGA. is a registered trademark of Amiga International.

More Information

AAA Awards Homepage - http://www.amiga-cg.se/aaaa/
Amiga Computer Group Homepage - http://www.amiga-cg.se/


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