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Anarchy Software Formed

Announcing the existence of ANARCHY SOFTWARE
Producers of software for the AMIGA.  And the IBM, but we won't talk about
that here :)

Anarchy Software is the name myself (David Stroud) and a friend of mine
have given our combined programming efforts.  A kind of software label, if
you will.

Because.  I've programmed a couple of things in recent times, and I wanted
an outlet for them.  My friend is doing a computer science degree (so is
involved with those other computers, the name of which I've been trying to
forget for a long time :).  And the Amiga needs all the support it can get
at this time...  every little helps.  Allegedly.

On the Amiga side of things, I've programmed a few simple games, and some C
programs may become available sometime in the future, when I become a
competent enough C programmer.

They're not ground-breaking.  Yet.  No snazzy 3D graphics, gouraud shading,
texture mapping, etc.  I'll leave that to those that can.  That's not to
say the games don't look nice, though.  The best is done with limited
artistic ability to make them good enough to at least look at.  And I hope
they're well written, with features that work.


Now.  And for the last few months, in case you hadn't noticed.

Please take a look.  Constructive comments, encouragement etc.  always

Email: Anarchy@nebula.demon.co.uk


David Stroud, Anarchy Software.


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