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AmiTrix Announces AWeb-II V3

AmiTrix                   PRESS RELEASE                      April 18, 1997

AmiTrix Development announces AWeb-II, v3.0

AmiTrix is proud to announce the pending release of AWeb-II, version 3.0. 
This all new version of AWeb, the culmination of six months of work, is now
nearing completion, and in the final testing stages during preparation of
the package.  Totally re-written and re-designed for greater flexibility in
future updates, it retains it familiar GUI with some additions, and more
configurable options.  More complete details will be forthcoming soon.

Release date: The final shipping date is not certain as yet, but projected
------------  for the latter part of May/97.

Some of the new features of AWeb-II v3.0 are:

o Full support for frames, table backgrounds, and more HTML features.

o Now has support for server push and client pull.

o Added support for proxy authorization.

o Internal FTP support.

o A new public plugin interface.  Plugin modules can do their rendering
  directly in the AWeb browser window.  The API (Application Program
  Interface) is available as a separate archive, contact Yvon Rozijn
  <yrozijn@xs4all.nl> for further information.

o Standalone images are now shown in the AWeb window, or can use an
  optional external image viewer.

o More versatile cookie protection and a cookie alert requester.  Cookie
  save file is now in readable form.

o Greatly enhanced and expanded Arexx command set.

o Now with Clipboard support, added Control Menu items, including copy
  selected text from a page.

o New, fully configurable user buttons, below the existing toolbar.

o The Image and Link popup menues are now fully configurable.

o New URL template popup menu on the URL field.

o A new info window with HTTP transfer headers, meta information and
  current documents links.

o The Network status window now shows CPS rate.

o New powerful hotlist manager.

o Enhanced cachebrowser with find functions and able to delete multiple
  file entries.

o The Search function now highlights the text found.

o Improved greyscale palette.

o Added Project Menu item: edit HTML source.

o New Settings Menu items: load settings, save settings as, GUI settings.

o The No-proxy, No-cookie, and Do-not-cache lists are now sorted and
  support pattern matching.

o ...and many, many other things including updates to HTTX and AWebNews
  plugins, and HTML-Heaven.

MSRP remains unchanged at $45.00US / $60.00CAN plus $5.00 shipping.

Current owners of AWeb may upgrade to 3.0 for $20.00US / $27.00CAN,
plus shipping.  Canadian orders add 7% GST to the total amount.

Customers purchasing or upgrading to AWeb-II v3.0 will receive a free
update to v3.1 when it becomes available at a future date.


NOTES:- We now have VISA for direct sales, orders should be submitted via
=====   fax with card details and signature for authorization.

 - You can now reach our web site using the new "http://www.amitrix.com" URL.

Dealer and Customer inquiries welcomed!  For more information, ordering
AmiTrix products or dealer locations, contact us at:

AmiTrix Development,
5312 - 47 Street,
Beaumont, Alberta, T4X 1H9

Email: sales@amitrix.com (preferred if possible)

Phone or Fax: 1+ 403-929-8459

(Please leave your mailing address, phone/fax number, &/or email address 
on phone messages when requesting information.)

You may also contact us via email at the following addresses.

Email: support@amitrix.com


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