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Aminet Charts: 15-Jun-97

| The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 15-Jun-97
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
STFax.lha          comm/misc  256K   0+STFax 2.17 - Powerful and user-frien
MagicWB21p.lha     util/wb    600K   1+The standard Workbench enhancer
New8n1.lha         comm/misc   91K   1+Replaces serial.device.  V37.39
BarNone.lha        util/wb    371K   0+The ultimate controller for your Ami
SerialPrefs28.lha  util/sys    61K   0+V2.8 - Extended Serial Preferences f
MiSpeedMeter.lha   comm/tcp    17K   1+V1.3 of cps counter for Miami 2.0+ (
YellowsMap.jpg     pix/park   368K  84+US-park: Yellowstone NP. Map (1M) Wy
FAXX43x.lha        util/dtype 176K   0+FAXX-dt V43.2 (IFF-FAXX, 68000-060)
BMG.lha            mus/play    38K   0+Mpega GUI - v1.03
AminetGuide.lha    comm/misc    7K   0+Ult. Tool for your Aminet files. v1.
webview21ibeta.lha comm/www   147K   0+Beta 1 of Web Browser/Offline Viewer
RainbowSystem.lha  gfx/misc   100K   0+24 Bit Graphics Library (ECS,AGA,CGF
MWBArchive.lha     pix/mwb    869K   0+200+ MWB ImageDrawers and 600+ Icons
SysInspector12.lha util/moni  118K   1+SysInspector 1.2 - System monitor (O
AMarquee1.44.lha   comm/net   138K   0+AmiTCP data broadcast library & serv
amitest.lha        util/moni   14K   0+Check your cpu speed
wzonka-lad.lha     misc/emu   143K   1+Wzonka-Lad - Gameboy emulator v0.80
B-Engine.lha       gfx/aga    352K   0+3D engine, capable to load DN3D maps
AmigaPatchList.lha game/patch  45K   1+V2.5, patches to deprotect software
dtypeguide.lha     docs/lists  59K   0+Guide of datatypes -R4-

| The highest rated programs during the week until 15-Jun-97
| Updated weekly. Best program on top. Please rate all the programs you
| download. To do so, send to aminet-server@wuarchive.wustl.edu :
| RATE <path> <num>
| where <path> is the file you want to judge and <num> is a mark from 0..10
| with 10 being the best. You can rate several programs in one mail, but
| don't rate your own programs. Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8
|File              Dir        Size Age Description
|----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
AlgoMusic2_1.lha   mus/misc   1.2M   3+Creates algor. techno tunes. A must-
AlgoMusic2_1Up.lha mus/misc   151K   3+Needs installed AlgoMusic V2.0
AlgoMusic2_1fi.lha mus/misc    20K   2+Patch fixing a bug in AlgoMusic V2.1
BlitzBank230.lha   biz/misc   373K   2+Powerfull accounts program (4 langua
PeekMail0_8.lha    comm/mail   23K   2+Check if there's new e-mail.
MiSpeedMeter.lha   comm/tcp    17K   1+V1.3 of cps counter for Miami 2.0+ (
Miami21aeval.lha   comm/tcp   187K   2+Internet TCP/IP stack (demo binary)
Miami21amain.lha   comm/tcp   407K   2+Internet TCP/IP stack (main archive)
Miami21areg020.lha comm/tcp   206K   2+Internet TCP/IP stack (reg. 020 bina
MiamiSSL11.lha     comm/tcp    46K   2+SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for Miami
CheckHTML.lha      comm/www   149K   1+Checks HTML files
soliton150.lha     game/think 204K   1+Solitaire card game, V1.50 (MUI)
Picasso96.lha      gfx/board  318K   1+Picasso96 system for Amiga graphics
EvenMore037.lha    text/show  125K   1+Textviewer - Now has gadgets! (May b
SysInspector12.lha util/moni  118K   1+SysInspector 1.2 - System monitor (O
Sork.lha           gfx/aga    317K   1+Fast, multitasking voxelengine, v0.5
cnet4demo.lha      comm/cnet  1.2M   5+CNet/4 Professional BBS DEMO
HotStartup.lha     disk/misc   15K   7+Runs a script every time you insert
ar-gate.lha        docs/mags   13K   3+Amiga Report Gateway Issue, May 18 1
AB3DTrainer.lha    game/patch  26K  12+Cheat program for Alien Breed 3D
Cannon2Cheater.lha game/patch  54K   4+Play every level of CannonFodder2
Faery_Patch.lha    game/patch  56K   4+Unofficial Faery Tale Adventure HDpa
AmIRCMPEGA.lha     comm/tcp     2K   2+Mpega script for AmIRC
DemonRobot.lha     mods/crash 133K   7+Med module.  Blast-beat speed metal
Saucer.lha         pix/jake    85K   5+The Saucer Is Landing.
STFax.lha          comm/misc  256K   0+STFax 2.17 - Powerful and user-frien
New8n1.lha         comm/misc   91K   1+Replaces serial.device.  V37.39
hippoplayer.lha    mus/play   651K   8+V2.39, module player. Try it!
BattleDuel.lha     game/2play 1.2M   1+The *ULTIMATE* artillery game V1.6.1


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