(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Amiga Informer Issue 8
Issue 8 of The Amiga Informer will be available by June 18, and oh,
what an issue it is! Our staff of Amiga devotees have gone over the
edge to bring you the biggest issue yet. I think you'll be impressed at
what we've put together. You'll also be impressed to see just how good
Amiga computers are at desk top publishing.
One of the features in this issue is an in-depth look at what the
Gateway 2000 purchase of Amiga might mean for the future. We help
you read between the lines of the May 16 press release to find out.
You will also find exclusive photos and an article on the World of
Amiga show in London from our new UK correspondent Adrian
Pickering. Phase 5 demonstrated their newest BlizzardPPC and
CyberStormPPC PowerUP boards at the show and we'll give you the
run down on what was seen. We also have inside news on the public
unveiling of the Jay Miner Society, sponsors of the Open Amiga
Initiative mentioned by both Gateway and Amiga International.
Along with numerous news bytes and briefs, product announcements,
and our developer profile, we bring you our usual columns. This
issue's columns deal with managing your Workbench Icons, and
understanding and using MultiUser Domains. In addition, we have a
column that details a wide selection of programs that can be combined
to create one integrated system for internet access.
We have several reviews in Issue 8. The email program Air Mail v4.2 is
evaluated along with a serious look at Pretium, the personal finance
management program. We also take a look at the old standby corrupt
disk recovery program DiskSalv4 and the combat game Tiny Troops.
In addition, we summarize the AGA Experience 2 CD, and two classic
games; Dune II and Syndicate.
To round things off, we list a selection of dealers, user groups and fine
websites in our Contacts section and, as always, intersperse useful
tips throughout the entire issue.
Because The Informer is quickly increasing its subscription base, we
are limiting the amount of complimentary issues we distribute. The only
way you can be assured of getting this and future issues is to
subscribe. We offer several benefits to our subscribers including free
classified ads, discounts and incentives from select dealers and
distributors, and, for our net connected readers, up-to-the
minute news delivered directly to your email address with the Amiga
Update newsletter by Brad Webb.
We provide a no risk, no obligation subscription offer. Fill out and send
the on-line form at We will
send your first issue of The Informer with a bill enclosed. If you review
The Informer and find you are not satisfied, just write CANCEL on the
bill and return it. The first issue is yours to keep and you will owe us
nothing. If you like it, a variety of payment options are provided on the
bill. You are under no obligation so you just can't lose. Give us a try
today and see what we are all about.
Thanks for your support,
Fletcher Haug, Editor
The Amiga Informer
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