(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Amiga Club Madrid
A new Amiga association is born, an association to ease commnication among
us, but it has also more objectives. Our WEB page:
It's completely non-profit.
Amiga Club Madrid
Our association is just that, an association. It does not pretend to be a
club restricted to an especific group of people. We are open to all kind
of constructive contributions so, if you think you can bring something of
your own to the spanish amigan scene, here's your chance!
This association has been formed to:
1. Inform the Amiga user, through our WEB pages, and a periodical
2. Allow participation in the creation of a fanzine. We are now deciding
its structure, that is, its sections, and so on. Bring your ideas!
3. Serve as a bridge between all user clubs and associations. We do not
pretend them to join us, but make all of us unite, to gather information:
News, product buyings/sales, source code in ongoing developments and,
generally, any other event related to the Amiga in Spain.
4. Organize, all over Spain, Amiga parties and all sorts of reunions that
put a bunch of amigans around what they like and know best.
5. Do our best in supporting companies who create Amiga products.
Besides this, we are giving the following internet services:
- Users: We'll publish names and home page URLs of users and groups of
Amiga users.
- Amiga Club: The aforementioned note.
- Magazines: Online mags.
- Forum: Discussion forum.
- AmiNet: What else can be said...
- Links: Commented Amiga links. Take care yours is not missing.
- Search engines: Internet Amiga searching tools
- History: The story of the BEST COMPUTER IN THE WORLD.
- Marketplace: To buy, sell, swap and find.
- News: Amiga news, and links to the best spanish news pages.
If you want to join the association, you already know, get signed. If you
have Amiga friends who are not able to join trough internet, don't worry,
as the fanzine will be also printed; may they send a letter to:
Asociacion Club AMIGA Madrid
Att David Mochales Gordo
C/Juan Bravo 63 1=BAE
28006 Madrid (SPAIN)
Or call 34-1-402-14-21, and ask for David
Current avalaible e-mail adresses:
Send questions and suggestions to:
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