(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
CygnusEd Re-Release
Press release CygnusEd
Essen, July 9 1997 - CygnusED, the popular Amiga text editor, will soon be
re-released by Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe, Gesellschaft for Software
mbH. In cooperation with Bruce Dawson and Olaf Barthel the editor will be
revised and updated for release, fixing long-standing bugs and problems.
To ensure that CygnusEd will once again take up its leading position among
the Amiga text editors, we want to give the Amiga community the opportunity
to influence development of the product. Please let us know about your
ideas and wishes regarding the editor, what features do you want to see
implemented and which problems need attention. Send your requests and
suggestions to the following address: <>; every
contribution takes part in a lottery, the prize being one of ten copies of
the editor.
The new CygnusEd version will be published on CD-ROM before the end of this
year. Attractive update offers and cross-updates for users of other text
editors are in planning.
Stefan Ossowski
Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe Gesellschaft for Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778 Fax ++49-201-798447
EMail: WWW:
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