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Petro Tyschtschenko's Speech to the Australian Amiga Gathering 97

Amiga International, Inc.
Greeting of Petro Tyschtschenko to dealers and distributors in Australia and New Zealand at the Australian Amiga Gathering 97, June 28, 1997

Ladies and Gentlemen:

 Welcome to the Australian Amiga Gathering 97. Unfortunately, I was not able to make a trip to Australia at the present time. That does not mean that Australia is too far away from Europe... because, please keep in mind, that no place in the world is too far away for me to see and to talk with our AMIGA enthusiastics and evangelists, with our distributors and with our dealers, which kept AMIGA alive.

You have my word, the next convention that will take place in Australia, you will see me. But please give me some notice... I have to plan and organize this trip and I would like to combine it with a visit to India and Malaysia.

I am very happy to have here such a great and active person like Basil Flinter who is representing AMIGA International, Inc. during this gathering here in Australia. I am sure you will support him and he also can answer you a lot of questions.

Many thanks to Basil for his activities. Many thanks to you, my friends, for your support and understanding. Many thanks for your standing and your patience.

I am really happy to hear that our AMIGA community is so exciting and looking with big interest into the future. I understand that some of you take a back seat for a while... But please do not rest too long... as you may know, there are a lot of things to mobilize to have a bright future and great success.

With Gateway 2000, please be sure, we will have a great future. But we have to be active as well. As I already mentioned in my London speech, the base of my strategy are three elements:

  1. Supporting the existing AMIGA community
  2. Leveraging the existing AMIGA technology through broad licensing
  3. Assisting in developing new products based on open standards to the home computer and video/graphics market

We need potential partners here in Australia and we are looking for such partners. As you are already aware, Gateway 2000 is a great home for our AMIGA, and with Gateway's spirit and financial resource we will have a bright future, indeed.

AMIGA International is exploring all possible products for the marketplace, including both hardware and software. We will open up the marketplace to cloning through licensing. In Europe I have just finalized a licence contract with Micronik. This company is buying A1200 motherboards from AMIGA International and are putting those in towercases, with separate keyboards and a lot of possibilities to upgrade our A1200 with a 68060 processor, MPEG I, Zorro 2/3 and other add ons.

I think it is a great challenge because, as you may guess, it is impossible to have in a short time frame new products available.

At this time we are identifying candidates to manage the R&D department and will explore the most efficient method of performing R&D. We already talked with competent people and we will announce names and performance to the public as soon as possible. We are interested in working with companies such as Phase 5 to develop one unified AMIGA standard.

Please be aware that AMIGA International, Inc. will be treated as a seperate subsidiary of Gateway 2000. It is not the policy of Gateway 2000 to mix AMIGA activities with Gateway 2000 activities. That does of course not mean that Gateway 2000 is not supporting AMIGA International. There are a lot of synergy effects and AMIGA International has all support that is needed to go in the right direction. I collected only good experiences so far.

I believe there is still a strong following AMIGA system based on publication and user groups that have kept the market alive through bankruptcy. There should be a strong future for the AMIGA through licensing and new product development.

AMIGA's intention is to support the development community through concepts such as the "Open AMIGA Initiative" and will explore other concepts to bring developers on the platform. We will explore the development of an OS upgrade and will adress the features and functions that are necessary.

Gateway 2000 will provide resources to reinvigorate the AMIGA marketplace and keep AMIGA a profitable subsidiary, you can be absolutely sure.


The AMIGA market can not afford a split!


To reactivate the Australian market, I have worked out a very aggressive price structure and you can take the possibility to talk with Basil about this.

Please support AMIGA International, Inc. as you have done this in the past. Do not give up this wonderful computer technology.

AMIGA is back for the future and you will be a part of the future...

Thank you very much for your attention.

Petro Tyschtschenko
AMIGA International, Inc.

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