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Amiga Technologies publishes beta software for Public Testing

Bensheim, September 1996

Source: AMIGA FTP-Server

Amiga Technologies has made certain V43 OS-Beta-Modules available on their FTP-Server to help avoid bugs and compatibility problems early on by reaching a wider audience for early software testing.

Currently available:

With these improvements it will be possible to use your Amiga with: Manufacturers of appropriate devices and software are asked to take note of the New Style Device Standard (please check the AMIGA Developer CD) and to implement it in their device drivers. Feedback and reports on test results are very welcome. It is desirable that this standard be widely supported and implemented soon to avoid incompatible developments in this area.

It is planned to make further developments publically available such as this for early beta testing.

Thanks to Kevin Hisel and Heinz Wrobel for translation help !

AMIGA Copyright 1995-1996 by AMIGA Technologies GmbH - Editor: CG
Send comments to <webmaster@amiga.de> - Date: 13.09.96

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