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Hot News Sites!!! Macintosh Newsletters & Magazines
General Industry News Macintosh-related Usenet Newsgroups
The Macintosh Web Directory Main Index

Hot News Sites!!!

A listing of sites that are kept updated anywhere from daily to weekly with the latest news and information. Most are Macintosh specific; however, there are a few that do include news from the general computer industry.
AMSYS Hot NewsDaily updated news about Macintosh and PC related products straight from the UK.
Apple Stock WatchLatest update of Apple's stock price and other related information.
Appleholics AnonymousAppleholics Anonymous provides daily news to all the Appleholics in the world.
At Home MacNice up-to-date news and information for Macintosh users. For those who have grown tired of the banner advertisements on so many pages these days, At Home Mac is non-commercial meaning no ads!
c|net newsLatest news in the computer world according to c|net.
Digital Sushi!Reed College's Macintosh resource page with up-to-date news and information.
MacCentralSite keeping you up to date with the latest news and product information, and serve up an assortment of resources to help you get more from your Mac.
MacInTouch Home PageVery handy source of daily news and information maintained by Ric Ford of MacInTouch fame.
MaCNNSite covering news and file updates for the Mac platform.
MacSense HotBitsThe hottest Apple related news of the net brought to you by MacSense: The Macintosh E-Zine.
MacSOURCE: Current Mac News & UpdatesMacSOURCE web page with news and info updated daily!
MacSurfer's Headline News™Nice stop to make before tackling the other major Mac-oriented news sites. MacSurfer maintains this site daily and keeps a rough outline of what's available on those other news sites plus links to even more news!
MacWeek:Latest StoriesThe latest news as reported by MacWeek.
Macworld Daily NewsThe latest news as reported by MacWorld.
MediaNewsReports on news of interest to multimedia developers and users published daily.
Net News PageRecent news on Internet-related topics covering various computer platforms.
Newsbytes Daily News SummaryDaily news in the computer business direct from Newsbytes.
O'Grady's PowerPageWeb page full of news updated daily but aimed more for PowerBook users.
PC Week News HighlightsGeneral industry news updated daily from PC Week.
SIMBA Media Daily: INTERNETUp to date news Internet-related.
The Apple TreeSite posting various news items daily along with links to other sites as well as various software.
The Macintosh Internet ConnectionNews updated daily covering the Macintosh platform.
The Macintosh Resource PageGreat source of news and information updated daily!
"The online MacinStuff Times"A free daily newspaper with up to the minute Mac news.

Macintosh Newsletters & Magazines

These are links to various Macintosh-oriented newsletters and magazines. Many contain general Macintosh news and information including product reviews while others may be more specifc to a particular subject.
adobe.magOnline publication with articles, hints, and tips on Adobe Internet-based products.
Inside Mac Games MagazineHome page for this magazine that covers the latest news & information on Macintosh game software & hardware.
Internet Road StopAn e-zine that is meant to keep the Macintosh world up and ready for whatever new comes out on the Internet.
Mac/ChicagoThe Resource for Chicagoland Macintosh Users.
Mac Net JournalMonthly digital publication for Macintosh users.
MacAddictMonthly print magazine for the Macintosh computer enthusiast filled with how-to's, reviews and ratings on new products, and tons of others goodies.
MacFever!Macintosh E'zine containing news, reviews, and other articles to help Mac OS users.
MacWEEKMacWeek's home page containing selected top stories from the latest MacWEEK, reviews from past issues, contact information and more.
Macworld OnlineMacWorld's site on the web containing news, reviews, and features from their monthly printed magazine.
MacUserMacUser home page containing news, information, and reviews from the monthly MacUser magazine.
MacTechMacTech Magazine serving the Macintosh developer community.
OdZOdZ: The OpenDoc eZine is an electronic magazine dedicated to following OpenDoc component technology and how it can be exploited by both users and developers.
TidBITSFree weekly electronic publication that reports on interesting products and events in the computer industry, currently with an emphasis on the world of the Macintosh.
MacSenseOnline edition of the MacSense magazine providing up-to-the-minute news and valuable resources relating to the Macintosh platform.
The Information AlleyOnline magazine to help Apple computer users get full use of their Apple computers, peripherals, and software.
The Mac*Chat Newsletter Web EditionWeekly electronic newsletter for the Macintosh user with news and easy to understand information.
ReadMeFirstWeb site with various reviews of products for the Mac updated each month.
The Status RegisterSuper-informative monthly newsletter from CUCUG in HTML format.
The InfoZoneUnofficial information source for Apple and Macintosh related news, trends, ezines, gossip and press releases.
Mercury Center: An Eye on AppleMercury Center's report on Apple from the San Jose Mercury News.
ISO FileMaker Pro MagazineThe online Learning Center for FileMaker Pro.
MacToday MagazineThe Alternative Macintosh Magazine. "An irreverent, off-the-wall, PC-slamming, totally biased look at the Macintosh".
Update WeeklyA weekly electronic newsletter for Macintosh network managers, consultants, and VARs. Its purpose is to help computer support professionals to stay abreast of updates to MacOS system software, utilities, and applications.
UnOfficial Information Alley Home PageSite not supported by Apple but by volunteers dedicated to posting Apple's Information Alley by way of html to be viewed by your web browser.

Macintosh-related Usenet Newsgroups

These are a listing of many of the newsgroups offered by various news servers. Depending upon the news server your news reader has access to, your mileage may vary on the access you may have to these groups.
clari.nb.appleNewsbytes: Macintosh products, Apple Corp.
comp.binaries.macEncoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.lang.forth.macThe CSI MacForth programming environment.
comp.lang.lisp.mcl Discussing Apple's Macintosh Common Lisp.
comp.sources.macSoftware for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.advocacyThe Macintosh computer family compared to others.
comp.sys.mac.announce Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.appsDiscussions of Macintosh applications.
comp.sys.mac.comm Discussion of Macintosh communications.
comp.sys.mac.databases Database systems for the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.mac.digestApple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.gamesDiscussions of games on the Macintosh.
comp.sys.mac.graphicsMacintosh graphics: paint, draw, 3D, CAD, animation.
comp.sys.mac.hardwareMacintosh hardware issues & discussions.
comp.sys.mac.hypercardThe Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses
comp.sys.mac.miscGeneral discussions about the Apple Macintosh.
omp.sys.mac.oop.macapp3Version 3 of the MacApp object oriented system.
comp.sys.mac.oop.miscObject oriented programming issues on the Mac
comp.sys.mac.oop.tclSymantec's THINK Class Library for object programming.
comp.sys.mac.portablesDiscussion particular to laptop Macintoshes.
comp.sys.mac.scitechUsing the Macintosh in scientific & technological work
comp.sys.mac.systemDiscussions of Macintosh system software.
comp.sys.mac.wantedPostings of "I want XYZ for my Mac."
misc.forsale.computers.macApple Macintosh related computer items.

General Industry Newsletters & Magazines

This is merely a listing of links to various newsletters and magazines that carry more of a general view on the computer industry.
Data Communications MagazineSource of in-depth information about networking products, services, and technologies for corporate net managers.
Internet Starter KitHTML version of the book "Internet Starter Kit".
PC WeekOnline version of PCWeek containing news and special reports in the PC market. Occasionally Apple and/or the Macintosh might appear.
JazeThe Java eZine.
PC MagazineHome page for PC Magazine featuring news and reviews for mostly PC's. Occasionally Apple and/or the Macintosh might appear.
PlugInZineThe Netscape Plug-Ins eZine.
Computer ShopperComputer Shopper on the web covering various aspects of the computer industry.
Web WeekNewspaper covering the latest web news and developments.
Internet WorldMagazine covering happenings and trends on the Internet.
Inter@ctive WEEKArticles and commentary from the print version of Inter@ctive Week.
C|NETc|net home page featuring news and articles about computers, multimedia, online services, and the web.

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